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Ezra is A: 10 Clues to Support this “Pretty Little Liars” Theory

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

For the past three and a half seasons of Pretty Little Liars, I have been racking my brain trying to figure out the big question of who A is. Every time I am on a trail where I think I have the culprit, the person dies (like Warren and Ian), starts receiving messages from A (Mona and Toby) or just disappears for an extended time (CeCe Drake and Noel Kahn). In the summer season finale, however, there seemed to be the biggest bomb dropped that left my jaw on the floor. Ezra is A. So many thoughts went through my head. How? What about Aria? How did he know Alison? Did I miss something to make this connection? After getting no sleep that night because my mind was so blown, I have come up with a few clues that have been dropped over the 3 ½ seasons to reach the possibility that Ezra is A. With the Halloween premier tonight, I felt that I would share these theories with all you PLL fans.

1. Although he had just arrived in town as a new teacher, Ezra showed up to Alison’s funeral. Soon after the funeral ended, all the girls got a text from A.

2. Ezra has a typewriter that is seen in many scenes. Many important messages from A were typed from a typewriter, including the one Aria’s mother received that informed her that her husband was cheating on her. Aria’s mom received this note shortly after Aria had told Ezra about her dad’s infidelity.


3. Ezra rides on a bike in a season one episode right after the girls had blocked all their technological outlets from unknown numbers. A note then wisps up to girls by the wind, and it reads “Ding, Dong the B*tch is Dead.” Did you drop something Ezra?

4. The writer of Pretty Little Liars tweeted that we would see A unmasked in the masquerade ball episode. Aria and Ezra are the only ones unmasked. Are you revealing a killer Aria?

5. In the episode where the girls are rehearsing a scene from a play in class with Mr. Fitz, he has taped off the room for the scene with masking tape. Later in that same episode, A’s rats are revealed and they are labeled with the names of the four girls in masking tape. Was Ezra using the tape for two purposes?

6. Aria, who is in an intimate relationship with Ezra, has been the girl least threatened and injured of the four girls. Emily had a car drive through her house, a car hit Hanna and her mom was arrested for murder, and Spencer went crazy and was put in Radley. Sure, Aria has experienced some unfortunate events, but they are nothing compared to the other girls. Is Ezra keeping his loved one unharmed?

7. PLL’s writer King revealed another clue through a tweet when she said that everything would be revealed in 3B. Many of us fans had thought this meant season three, but now there is a connection with A because Ezra’s apartment is 3B.


8. Many scenes with A feature whiskey. This happens to be a favorite drink of Ezra, and Ezra is one of the few that are theorized to be A that is still living and old enough to buy alcohol. Ezra is getting risky with his whiskey.

9. Spencer receives a text in the first season that says “Married for love or an alibi? –A.”  In a later scene, the same message reappears on Mr. Fitz’s chalkboard. Wonder if the girls were paying attention in class.

10. Soon after Jason DeLaurentis paid someone $50,000 in reward money to find Ali’s body, Aria found a huge amount of cash in Ezra’s drawer. Where does a teacher, who is currently out of work for a possible scandal with a student, get all this money? Very fishy Mr. Fitz. 

Although there are plenty of clues that have had me come to this conclusion, do not be surprised If I am completely wrong and Ezra is not A. As the mysteries of Rosewood have shown us before, A is never who you think it is. When you think the murderer of Alison (if Alison is really dead) has been uncovered, Emily, Hanna, Aria and Spencer are faced with another twist of events.

Do you have your own PLL theories of who A is? Tweet @hercampusbc with your theories!

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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum