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Endangered Species Caught On Campus: Couples! Bringing You Hope Instead of Misery on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


Have you ever seen those couples walking around campus holding hands?  Do you ever wish that you could have something like that?  It seems like couples at BC are an endangered species, but we’re reassuring you that couples do exist.  They’re about as rare as the Dodo bird, but occasionally you can find them sweetly walking around campus.  And we love it.

It’s no surprise to many that the prevalent hookup culture at BC is not conducive to real relationships and dating.  As Valentine’s Day approaches, it may seem like there is no hope for a Valentine, a date, or even a box of chocolates.  Some people out there might think that the hookup scene seems old and overrated, and with a holiday meant for people in relationships quickly approaching, Valentine’s Day looks pretty bleak.

To those of you who feel that way, put the bleakness behind you, because we found a few of these endangered couples on campus, and they’re here to bring you hope that dating does exist at Boston College.

Here are the cute couples we thought we’d share with you!

Julie and Conor:

How long have you been together? A little more than a year.

How did you meet? At the first football game of freshman year – against Northwestern.

Favorite thing to do on campus: Dinner at Hillside every Thursday and hanging out with friends.

Favorite thing to do off campus: Bruins and Celtics games at the Garden – getting a hot dog and a soft pretzel. We also love going to CVS on Sundays, we like going apple picking, ice-skating at Frog Pond, and we like going to Devlin’s.

Thoughts on hook-up culture at BC: Julie – It is overrated.  Conor – It’s nice going out on the weekends not feeling any pressure to, you know, “get jiggy with it.”

Advice for people wanting more: Julie – Don’t think that the way to a boyfriend is through hooking up.  Just be real.  Conor – Don’t be in denial.  If you like someone, tell them.  

Cartoon Character to describe your BF/GF: Julie – Batman. Conor – Not a cartoon, but a “Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man” (outside of many car dealerships.)  

Any Valentine’s Day plans? Conor – It’s the most random Valentine’s Day ever.  We’re going to see It’s a Good Day to Die Hard at MAX, then I’m taking her to Dolce Vita (in the North End), and then we’re spending a quiet night together.

Do you have a song? “The Real Her” by Drake


Doug and Patty (Names have been changed)

How long have you been together? We started going out this September (the 15th), but we’ve known each other since last Halloween.

How did you meet? Doug– I went to high school with one of her friends she met last year and we hung out in groups and met.

Favorite thing to do on Campus: Joke around when we have class in a giant lecture hall.

Favorite thing to do off Campus: Going to off campus parties is always fun, but it’s really nice to go into Boston and do something and get dinner.

Thoughts on hook-up culture at BC: Doug – It’s a good time but it get’s old quickly.  I’d much rather be where I’m at now.  Patty – I don’t think that the “hook-up culture” at BC is quite the existential crisis that many people here make it out to be.  I think it is a largely fabricated standard that isn’t really unique to BC.  I know many kids who are in meaningful relationships, and I know many who are looking for them.

Advice for people wanting more: Doug – Don’t push anything.  If the person you like doesn’t want anything more don’t keep badgering them about it.  If they don’t want anything it won’t be fun for either of you.  Just wait for the right time and the right person.  Patty – Focus on the things you love and the people you love and the rest will come.

Any Valentine’s Day plans yet? It’s going to be a surprise.   

Do you have a song? Doug – No song for us, sorry.  Patty – I would have to disagree. “Niggas in Paris” is definitely our song.


Steve and Hilary

How long have you been together? We have been together for just over 2 full years, but time seems to stop when we are together.

How did you meet? Steve – We actually met on a blind date that her sister set up.  She took a chance on me seeing as I was a freshman and she was older than me.  Guess I got lucky.

Favorite thing to do on campus: (I have to keep this PG, right?)  Library Dates.

Favorite thing to do off campus: Go out to a new bar or go on an adventure to something different.  We really enjoy exploring the city.

Thoughts on hook-up culture at BC: Steve – I personally got sick of the hook-up culture really fast at BC, but it’s like a right of passage.  Some people just take a little bit longer to move on from it.

Advice for people wanting more: Put yourself out there!  You have to risk being rejected.  The old saying in basketball is “you miss 100% of shots that you do not take.”  Same is true with girls/guys.  Take a chance!

Cartoon Character to describe your BF/GF: Steve – Belle from Beauty and the Beast (I am the ugly one in the relationship, and she can see the good in me)

Any Valentine’s Day plans yet? Potentially a box of chocolate on the 15th.  I personally believe that Valentine’s Day is a waste of money and just causes a lot of people to feel alone and disheartened.  (Some things to note: Flowers die… buy something that will last.  Going out is expensive… make a dinner together.  Sometimes the best dates are the cheapest.)

Do you have a song? “Sweet and Low” by Augustana, but she would say something by Taylor Swift… you know how girls are.


Kelsey and Ben

How long have you been together? 464 days and 16.5 splendid hours (at moment of interview).

How did you meet? Ben – I was on the T headed back from the Aquarium when I saw a puppy in a bow tie patiently waiting at the Fenway stop.  As the train approached, the dog and I made eye contact and I knew, right then and there, that he was destined to be my pet, and I was destined to be his owner… and… oh, how did I meet Kelsey, was the question?  A mutual friend set us up and we met at a party.  The rest is history. Kelsey – He was the Cowboy to my Ke$ha.  There’s nothing else to really say.

Favorite thing to do on Campus: We can really hang out anywhere on campus and have a good time, though places that sell coffee are preferable.

Favorite thing to do off Campus: In order of increasing goodness: go into Boston, eat Thai food, hang out at Ben’s house.

Thoughts on hook-up culture at BC: It really depends on what you want to get from it.  If you’re looking for a relationship, like a real relationship, the hook-up scene is only going to seem cold and unwelcoming most of the time.  If you’re just looking for something fun and light and altogether unserious—well, you certainly get that.  At the same time, we met at a party supposedly as a casual hook up, and it turned out to be something much more serious and meaningful.  You really just can’t ever predict what these things will turn into.

Advice for people wanting more: Keep your mind open.  Learning in college outside of the classroom is a process of trial and error.  You’re going to have bad dates, awkward lunches, and wonderful drunken conversations that you can’t remember; these “mistakes” are how you learn who you want to be with, and what “more” means for you.

Cartoon Character to describe your BF/GF: Kelsey – Ben is Curious George crossed with Spider-Man, so Spider-George or Curious-Man.  Ben – Kelsey is Sailor Moon crossed with Misty from Pokemon with a splash of Mojo-jojo on Mondays.

Any Valentine’s Day plans yet? Yes.

Do you have a song? Dumb Ways to Die”  Yes, we’re weird. 


Mikayla and Adam

How long have you been together? We’ve been together for over two years.

How did you meet? We first met at a party freshman year on Newton in Adam’s room.

Favorite thing to do on Campus: Tough question but we love to eat NEC’s at Hillside and go to BC hockey games.

Favorite thing to do off Campus: We love going to the movies.  We try to switch off who gets to choose the type of movie we see (but it’s usually Mikayla’s choice).

Thoughts on hook-up culture at BC: Mikayla – It is only fun for so long.  Granted, I was only a part of it for a few months, but it felt lonely and like I was always trying to impress someone that really didn’t matter to me.  If the other person really cared about me, I wouldn’t need to impress them or try hard.  Adam – The BC hook-up culture can be enticing, but it can also drag you down mentally and emotionally.  I told myself I wouldn’t get “wifed up”, but it quickly became apparent that I cared about Mikayla much more than just a hook-up.  That’s when I knew I couldn’t play the game anymore and I’d be much happier with Mikayla.  I haven’t regretted that decision, and I’m extremely lucky to have her in my life.

Advice for people wanting more: It’s hard for us to give advice to someone who wants more because for us, it just happened when we weren’t looking.  We would definitely say that the best thing to do is to take it slow.  In a college environment, going fast is probably the worst thing you could do.  Build a friendship first and go from there.  If you really care about someone, tell them!  It’s tough to do, but it’s wroth it to take the chance and let them know.

Cartoon Character to describe your BF/GF: Mikayla – Adam IS Jimmy Neutron… He’ll be mad at me for saying this, but he’s a huge nerd.  Adam – She is definitely Patrick from Sponge-bob Square Pants.  She’s downright hilarious and always knows how to cheer me up.  She’s also my best friend.

Any Valentine’s Day plans yet? We don’t have any yet, but most likely we’ll either go to Tasca –our absolute favorite restaurant—or somewhere in the North End.

Do you have a song? “Indian Moon” by State Radio


Photo Sources:

http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/patty mayonnaise


Briana is a junior at Boston College studying abroad in Parma, Italy. She studies English and Italian. She loves books, clothes, and country music. Add her on twitter @brigalita !!
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.