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Easy Ways to Make Money on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

The fourth week of classes is just beginning, which means that schedules are finally set, extra-curricular activities have started up, and bank accounts all over campus have steadily begun to decrease.  We don’t mean for this to happen… after all, who likes being broke?  Unfortunately, between going to Eagle’s Deli and Dunkin’ Donuts, it seems like we’re always spending our money on something.
Season football tickets- $120
Handle of Raspberry Rubinoff- $11.99
Having a source of income on campus?  Priceless.
I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t possibly have any room in my schedule to squeeze in a job.”  With community service, classes, and a social life, finding time to work may seem impossible.  But trust me collegiettes™, making money doesn’t have to be a fifteen hour a week commitment.

Psych Studies
What is it?  Students conducting research in the psychology department need participants for their experiments.
How to get involved: Log in at their website!
Pay: Generally $10/hour
Time Commitment: As often as you want!  Studies usually range from thirty minutes to two hours.
*Note: Make sure you fit the requirements for the study and that they offer pay, not just credit, for your study!
BC Media
What is it?  The ACC Network needs help on game day with camera and sound equipment.
How to get involved: Email your contact information to media@bc.edu.
Pay: $100/game
Time Commitment: Start three hours before the game, work the duration of play, and end about a half hour after the game.
T-Shirts Sales
What is it?  Okay, so it’s not really a job… but it’s a great way to make some extra money.
How to get involved: Get your friends together, pick an event (Bean Pot, Notre Dame game, etc.), design some sweet, must-have t-shirts that all your classmates will be pining for, and sell them on Facebook!
Pay: If a t-shirt costs $5 to get printed and shipped to you, charge $7.  Sell 200 of them and you’ll make a $400 profit (and be responsible for spreading insane amounts of school spirit).
Time Commitment: Minimal.  You’ll need to take size orders, design the t-shirts, and distribute them.
Besides these three innovative ways to make some extra cash on campus, you can also check out collegehelpers.com and sittercity.com for local job listings or the BC Student Employment page for openings! 
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Kathryn Fox is a senior at Boston College, majoring in International Studies. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she loves Boston but struggles with the cold weather! Kathryn is involved in teaching ESL classes, interning in BC's museum, and volunteering. She loves to travel and spent her junior year studying abroad in Morocco and South Africa. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys reading Jane Austen novels, baking, and watching trashy TV with her roommates. After graduation, she is returning to Oklahoma to work for Teach for America.