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Boston College Women’s Center

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

This week’s campus profile is Boston College’s Women Center! Read on to learn more about it! 

What is the Women’s Center’s mission?

The mission of the Women’s Center is to cultivate a campus culture that fosters the advancement of women and inspires all students to discover and embrace their full potential.

What services does BCWC provide?

The WC provides a number of services! Apart from our programs, the WC provides a space for students to relax, do homework, talk with the staff, or utilize peer advising/counseling.

What programs does the women’s center host that people should look out for?

The Women’s Center has a bunch of different programs. These include Bystander Intervention through Stand Up BC, campaign weeks such as Love Your Body Week and CARE Week, mentoring programs like Rise and Thrive, the women’s summit Own It, Dish’s monthly dinner discussions, and SANet. These programs take place throughout the year, so there is always something to get involved with at the WC! Anyone interested in getting involved should stop by our office!

How many people work in the office/what are their positions?

The office is made up of a staff of sixteen individuals. This includes our Director, Katie Dalton, and Assistant Director, Rachel DiBella, as well as three Graduate Assistants and eleven undergraduate staff members.

What are your hours/location?

The Women’s Center is open 10am-4pm, Monday through Friday. We are just starting evening hours again Tuesday-Thursday from 6pm-9pm. Our office is located in Maloney 441.

Why is the Women’s Center a great place?

The Women’s Center is a great place because it is so welcoming. It was founded over 40 years ago, and the WC is still constantly seeking to more widely support, educate, and empower students of all genders here at Boston College! The WC provides a safe space for students as well as a wide range of services and programs. Altogether, it is a warm and comfortable place that seeks to improve and support our campus community!

Who should people contact if they want to get in touch with the women’s center?

People can contact us by coming into our office, emailing us at women@bc.edu, or calling us at 617-552-3489.

Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.