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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I often find myself fully immersed in someone else’s life who I have never met before.  All too easily, I grow quickly attached and even go so far as to refer to these people as an acquaintance or friend.  I am able to know the ins-and-outs of their daily lives, their inner thoughts, and even what they wore to Sunday brunch.  Okay, I’ll stop there.  I am not a stalker I swear.  I simply LOVE reading blogs!  And the fabulous bloggers that keep me absorbed are fabulous masterminds!  I am guilty of refreshing the pages of the blogs I adore multiple times a day simply because I can’t stop obsessing over the lives presented before me.  Not only am I able to pick up quick fashion tips, must-try restaurant recommendations, and some other solid advice, I am also envision the direction to which I want my life to go.  

WARNING: The blogs you are about to see will cause you to forget about schoolwork, move to New York, and just sip coffee all day decked out in designer clothes (or at least fabulous looks-for-less).  You’ve been warned so read on at your own risk.



College Prepster

Written by Georgetown graduate Carly Heitlinger, this blog is full of great columns on life, fashion, and how to navigate New York City as a recent college grad. Pictures of Sunday brunch, beautiful clothes, and the streets of New York fill the blog!  She posts about the books she is reading, the career changes she is making, as well as the great advice she can offer about challenges faced by most college students and recent college grads.  I just want to do Sunday brunch every day (preferably with her) after reading this blog.  My favorite post would have to be “How Do Eat an Elephant” and the answer to that is one bite at a time, because a seemingly daunting task becomes simpler when broken down.  All of her articles are great and definitely worth checking out, especially since many BC girls are “college prepsters” themselves!


Design Darling

Written by a 24-year-old bubbly redhead named Mackenzie Horan, this blog chronicles her life in New York City where she shares a studio with her adorable puppy Rory.  She writes about everything from fashion to interior design and she has even constructed a list of 101 things she wants to do in 1001 days.  Her list may even inspire you to make one of your own! I am trying 101 before 21 and I will admit; it was entirely inspired by Mackenzie’s list.  She even launched an online boutique called “Design Darling” in 2012 and it is definitely worth checking out!  Her blog is also filled with pictures from Sunday brunch, coffee dates, and designer clothes. Do I sense a trend among these bold and beautiful bloggers; what is it about New York and Sunday brunch?


Cupcakes and Cashmere

Okay if the title isn’t enough to make you want to check out this blog then the content itself is quite convincing! This blog combines fashion and food in such a beautiful way that while reading it, my only desires are to lounge around in beautiful clothes while eating cupcakes all day (college life equivalent: sitting in my dorm room eating cookies from Lower in my sweats.  May not be as luxurious but it’s the closest thing I have).  The blog was started by Emily Schuman as a way to document the things she loved.  The blog has since grown to a National Best Selling Book called, Cupcakes and Cashmere: A Guide for Defining your Style, Reinventing your Space, and Entertaining with Ease.  The goal of Cupcakes and Cashmere is to “encourage and inspire readers through fashion, food, beauty and interior design”.  The recipes are amazing and my goal is to one day have tried them all…in a cashmere sweater of course (a daunting task I know but I love food so I think it’s feasible).  This blog is simply a must read with tips on anything and everything you could need to know about beauty, fashion, and food (core components of many college girls).



Bean + Nash

With this blog, I don’t even need to pretend like I know the person behind it because I actually do! One of the co-bloggers of Bean + Nash is Her Campus BC’s own Gabby Alleyne.  This blog is responsible for my many failed attempts at completing class reading because I often find myself engrossed in the latest Bean + Nash post.  According to Gabby this blog is “a collection of visually and aesthetically beautiful things, including fashion, food, travel and lifestyle selections.”  Conveniently enough, fashion, food, and travel are a few of my favorite things and I appreciate the unique Bean + Nash presents them.  Gabby and her co-blogger Caroline aspire to be their readers’ go-to for inspiration in all aspects of their daily lives. Justin Timberlake, zucchini cupcakes, and New York Fashion week have been among the latest posts and let me tell you that immediately after reading them I felt a strong desire to listen to “Holy Grail” while making zucchini cupcakes dressed in the latest from Rebecca Minkoff.  I especially enjoy the “I’m Hung Up On” but also realize I can read any of the posts found on Bean + Nash and never be disappointed.


So if getting distracted by Her Campus wasn’t enough, you now have some more great blogs to prolong that procrastination. But you have to admit, they are fabulous and really touch college girls at their core (fashion, friends, food & fabulousness). Are there any more blogs that you HCBC readers also find yourself obsessing over? Let us know and we would love to review them. 






Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum