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Best Ways to Spend Your College Snow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Since we go to school in one of the snowiest cities in the country, we are lucky enough to experience snow days from time to time. Here are some ways to make the most out of these special days!

  1. Sleep in!

Feeling a little sleep deprived lately? One of the unfortunate side-effects of college life is the lack of sleep we’re all dealing with. So, what better is a snow day for then sleeping in? Let’s be honest, nothing feels better than turning off that annoying alarm! So, on your next college snow day, give yourself an extra hour or two of sleep, and I promise you will feel rejuvenated!


2. Order in!

One of the problems with snow days is that, well, you’re snowed in! Slippery roads and hazardous conditions gives you a great excuse to order in some take-out, and transform your college dorm into your new favorite restaurant! So grab some friends, and whether it’s sushi or cheesecake, order in a special treat!


3. Catch up on your favorite show!

There is never enough time in the day for a college student. So, how are we expected to keep up with all of our favorite shows? This is exactly what snow days are for: snuggle in, turn on that Netflix or Hulu, and cue up the most recent episode of your top show! My personal recommendation: The Bachelor!  


4. Get organized!

Snow days can often be a blessing in that they give us a whole day to catch up on work. Next snow day, however, remember to do more than just homework and studying; get organized! Take the extra time to do laundry, organize your desk, clean your room a bit. It may sound like boring work, but trust me when I say that getting organized will leave you feeling fresh and in control for the rest of the week!


5. Enjoy the snow!

Sometimes amidst the excitement of the snow day, we forget to actually take advantage of the winter wonderland around us! Go sledding, build a snowman, tunnel in a snow cave; the possibilities are endless! Snow days give us college students a chance to be kids again, let’s not forget to advantage of that! Sources:

Izzy is a Freshman at Boston College studying Political Science and History. She is a self-professed foodie and life-long Cleveland sports fan. She is a writer for Her Campus BC.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.