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Best Valentine’s Day Candy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so you know what that means… CANDY. This is the only time of year, besides Halloween, that stores have major sales on candy. As someone with a sweet tooth, I love to load up on everything. Also, as a single lady, I don’t have to share my candy with anyone! If you need something to love this Valentine’s Day, here are some of the best candies around…


  1. Chocolate!

You can never go wrong with chocolate. Whether you like dark, white, or milk chocolate, you’ll never be disappointed when you take that first bite. And, if you can’t pick just one flavor, get them all!

2. Hearts!

It’s not just the saying on them that are sweet. These cute little candies have become synonymous with Valentine’s Day. Plus each color is a different flavor which makes them all the more exciting.

3. M&Ms!

Not just normal m&ms though. The pink, white, and red ones symbolize the beginning of Valentine’s Day and it is therefore acceptable to eat an entire bag of these tiny chocolatey treats.

4. Fun Dip!

This is just a trip down memory lane. Who didn’t bring in Fun Dip for Valentine’s Day as a kid? It’s literally flavored sugar that you eat with a sugar stick. The most exciting part is when it turns your tongue a nice bright blue or red.

5.  Lollipops!

Heart shaped Lollipops! These delicious treats are long lasting and flavorful, so you can enjoy them throughout the day. There’s something about hearts that makes these lollipops a bit more special than normal ones.


Whatever you’re doing and whoever you’re with on Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to enjoy these treats. They’ll sure make your day a whole lot sweeter!








Alexandra is a Senior History major with an English minor at Boston College who can always be found procrastinating by reading books or watching Netflix. She is known for making puns so bad that not even her friends laugh at them (but she always does). Her favorite ice cream flavor is Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey. Favorite movies include When Harry Met Sally, Dead Poets Society, and The Princess Bride.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.