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Ask HC BC: Lonely During Lent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


Dear HC BC,


As Lent roles around, I’m having a hard time feeling comfortable with my religion.  I would definitely consider myself a religious person, but it can be uncomfortable when none of my friends are.  I was always with people who believe the same things I do, so now it’s weird for me not to have anyone to talk to about it.  I don’t mind going to mass alone, but it can be annoying when no one understands.  I tried to talk to my friend about what I was giving up for Lent the other day, and they all looked at me like I had ten heads.  Should I try to keep having these talks with them, or just let it go?

– Lonely During Lent



Dear Lonely During Lent,


This is a tricky situation, but it’s probably more common than you think.  It sounds like you grew up in an environment where talking about faith was normal and expected, which might not be the case in college.  At the end of the day, you can’t make someone want religion.  It is a very personal decision, and everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.  However, there is nothing wrong with having conversations, as long as you aren’t making someone else uncomfortable.  Your friends should respect your decision to practice your religion.  If you feel uncomfortable because you are alone, that is something you will get used to in time.  But, if you are uncomfortable because people are making rude or insensitive comments, then it sounds like it’s time to find some new friends.  Respect is necessary in solid friendships.


I would also encourage you to try to get involved in organizations on campus that will help you meet people who share similar beliefs.  Contacting someone at Campus Ministry to inquire about possible involvement could definitely be worthwhile.  At the end of the day, you should be proud that you are staying true to your beliefs, even when it isn’t easy.


Happy Lent!


HC Love,



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