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6 Things You Learn Being An Identical Twin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

For the past 21 years (aka my entire life), I have never known what it is like to be an only child. Not only do I have a sibling, but my sibling is my identical twin who is also my best friend. So basically we tend to be inseparable. Although the majority of our “twin-ness” has been absolutely incredible and I would not exchange it for anything in the world, we have had to endure 1,000s of questions, stares and comments about being twins.

Instead of rolling my eyes at the millionth time we are asked if we are identical twins, I have decided to take the time to realize that being a twin has taught me many things about people in general that you “singles” may not understand. Here are some of my identical twin observations:

1.     People do not think before they speak: I understand the common question of “Are you two twins?” That is a question I find perfectly reasonable. But when people follow-up that question with “So do you two share a birthday?” or “Does that mean you are the same age?” I often have to refrain myself from an eye roll (a synchronized eye roll with my twin of course).


2.     Many mothers did not teach their children not to stare: I guess that since I am a twin, I am not fazed when I see another set of twins. But honestly, when you stare at my sister and I then whisper to your friend and soon your friend is doing a double take it is kind of obvious. I know, twins are cool, but remember what your mother taught you: it is not polite to stare.


3.     Many people must believe that boys have no brains when it comes to dating twins: I have lost count of the number of times that my twin and I have been asked if your boyfriends ever got confused and thought the twin who was not their girlfriend was their girlfriend. Now if any of my former boyfriends did do that, we would not be dating much longer, for my sister and I have very different personalities. Plus, think about it, wouldn’t I be a little freaked out and react differently if my sister’s boyfriend tried to come up and embrace me?


4.     Not everyone can talk to their best friend through incomplete sentences and stares: So I do not know if there is any scientific evidence to prove it, but I definitely think that twins have their own languange. My sister and I are able to know what the other is thinking by a simple look at each other, and we often finish each other’s sentences. I have to remember however, giving the same stare to my friend or co-worker will often leave them confused. I guess it’s a twin thing.  

5.     Patience: This goes for both twins and their parents. When you are an identical twin and out together, you are bound to get caught up in quite a few conversations with people that find twins “extremely fascinating.” My parents, when we were babies, also endured many twin questions even on a simple trip to the grocery store. My sister and I have just smiled and answered our way through the questions, and in return we have learned to be very patient with others.

6.     You can play so many more tricks on people when you are a twin: Between switching classes, confusing our parents and telling people we are not related, my twin and I have had a lot of fun looking alike.

Common twin questions are always expected, and although I get asked them all the time, I would not exchange anything for being a twin!


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum