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5 Ways to Trick Someone Into Being Your Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Making real friends can be so tedious.  You have to be friendly, nice, and approachable, all at the same time!  Who has time for that these days?  Trust me when I say it is a million times easier to just trick people into thinking you’re friends. In all reality, you’re probably not going to trust me on that one though.  Here are the easiest ways to make these fake friendships happen for you!


(Disclaimer: this is (kind of) a joke.  I strongly suggest you go make some actual friends, because that is a good thing.  Go you!)

1. Baked goods

People are really into baked good.  The easiest way to make someone like you is to give them delicious food baked with love, compassion and trickery.  Even if they don’t necessarily like you as a person, they will love what you bring to the table, literally.

2. Compliments

Everyone likes a good compliment, therefore, everyone likes people who compliment him or her.  You, yes you, can be that person!  Even if you don’t actually mean it, there is nothing wrong with tossing out a random moment of praise.  Think of it as your civic duty to make others happy.

3. Note-taking ability

People hate taking notes but they love having notes.  So if you ever find yourself in need of a friend while in class, offer someone your notes.  Unless of course you’re really bad at taking notes; in that case, it may backfire on you and just make people angry.  This idea also works with study groups.  Sharing genius is an easy way to trick someone into being your friend.


4. Feed them


This is mostly to anyone with a meal plan who is trying to be friends with someone without a meal plan.  Dining hall food may not be the best, but it sure beats having to pay for groceries and cook for yourself.  The fastest way to a lazy collegiate’s heart is through her stomach! This is great advice for all the underclassmen looking to work their way up the social ladder with upperclassmen. Note: I currently don’t have a meal plan, so if anyone’s interested in tricking me into friendship, this will work out well for you.

5. Share your clothes with them

If you’re really stylish, you should probably make friends by lending them your clothes.  But remember, they will most definitely come back to you with tears, stains and other weird things, so this is only for those of you who are really desperate into tricking someone into being your friend.


So there you have it- the first easiest ways to manipulate someone into being your friend.  You’re all so, so welcome.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum