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5 Ways to Make Finals Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We all know finals are not fun. There is plenty of stress, coffee, and all-nighters. Some people try to remain calm, while others shamelessly breakdown. Regardless of how you handle finals, there actually are ways to make the week better! I can’t guarantee that you’ll be happy during finals week, but hopefully these tips will make it tolerable.

Use study breaks as a mini-spa day

Going to the spa during finals week may seem crazy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take time to pamper yourself! Study breaks are not only a way to rest your mind, but you can also take care of your body, too. Use your half an hour break to put on a facemask or paint your nails. You’ll feel reenergized and ready to get back to work!

Have fun snacks

Before a big exam, go to Trader Joe’s or your favorite grocery store and pick up a few fun snacks. This could be fruit or ice cream, or anything else that will be comforting during a rough week. You can also set goals for yourself with the snacks! Tell yourself that if you can write half your paper, you can take a break and have some ice cream. That might just be the motivation you need to keep going!


These deserved their own category, because “snacks” does not being to cover it. If you don’t go to El Pelon during finals week, I officially can’t trust you as a person. Burritos are everything you need during finals week. They are warm, comforting and delicious nutrition that you absolutely need in order to get through your studies. Plus, walking across the street will be a nice break from studying!


Okay, to be honest, this isn’t my go-to. However, I know a lot of people use exercise as a way to de-stress, so I thought I’d put it out there. If being sweaty and exhausted helps you get through your work, more power to you. In all seriousness, this is a great way to take a break while also taking care of your body. Running can give you time to clear your mind for a bit and forget about all the work you have to do.

 Hey, walking to El Pelon for that burrito counts as exercise, right?


Bet you didn’t think you’d see this in an article about exams. Finals week will be infinitely better if you can force yourself to find some time to relax. Cramming may seem like the right thing to do, but we all know there comes a time when you just can’t think at the moment and you need a small break! Take a few deep breaths and make sure you stress isn’t freaking you out. Panicking will definitely not help you study, so keep that in mind.

Exams are not fun. They are a lot of work and that can be totally stressful. Try out some of these tips during your studying, though, and you might just feel a little bit calmer! Remember, summer is right around the corner!


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum