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5 Things You Didn’t Think You’d Miss About Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

5 Things You Didn’t Think You’d Miss About Campus

by Paige Marino

There were probably a lot of things you knew you would miss about BC over the summer.  You probably dreaded leaving your friends, your activities, and most of all, the Mods.  But maybe, just maybe, there were a few things you didn’t even realize you would miss until you got home.

1.  Dining Hall Food

Okay, so maybe the yogurt bar is highly questionable at best, but when dining halls aren’t available, you can’t help but miss them.  I don’t know about you, but I certainly cannot roll out of bed and into my kitchen at 11 p.m. and expect my mom to make me a sub. 

2.  Not Being a “Real Person”

When I’m at home, it’s slightly frowned upon for me to sleep in until noon and then parade around in my pajamas for the better part of the day (or until it’s time for bed again).  Sometimes, I even feel weird about wearing yoga pants to actual places where actual people live actual adult lives.  It’s just not fair.

3.  Communal Bathrooms

Now before you are quick to judge, hear me out.  I hate disgusting dorm room bathrooms as much as any of you, but seriously, cleaning bathrooms is not even a little bit fun.  You have to mop things and use Lysol wipes and make sure there’s not hair in the drain.  Call me a diva, but there are some things I am just not about.  Next time you see the saint who cleans your dorm bathroom, give him or her a hug for me, because he or she must truly love us.

4.  The Lack of Personal Space

As much as I love my dear friends at BC, there have definitely been some times when I desperately search for alone time.  It’s not that I don’t think you’re all great, I just think I’m great, too.  Kidding!  (No, actually I wasn’t.  Sorry.)  But, if I’m being completely honest, there were times over the summer when I actually missed constant human contact.  It’s really weird being bored and not being able to walk two feet and immediately be with all of your friends.

5.  Sharing a Room

On that same note, not having a roommate can be so lonely.  Sure, sometimes having a roommate isn’t the best thing in the entire world, but for the most part, it’s a pretty good deal.  Assuming that you get along with your roommate, it’s like a built in friend that technically has to hang out with you, because you share a closet-sized room.  Life can be sad without a roomie.  There’s no one to share clothes with, or get ready in the morning with, or wake you up when you sleep through your alarm.

So, while you’re embracing everything you missed about the Heights, don’t forget the little things you may have overlooked.  Sure, you’ll probably get sick of these things again real soon, but one day, you’ll miss them.  As a great philosopher once said: “Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til its gone.  Ohhh ba ba ba.”

“They paved paradise and put up a parking lot” – Big Yellow Taxi


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Kelsey Damassa is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in Communications and English. She is a native of Connecticut and frequents New York City like it is her job. On campus, she is the Campus Correspondent for the Boston College branch of Her Campus. She also teaches group fitness classes at the campus gym (both Spinning and Pump It Up!) and is an avid runner. She has run five half-marathons as well as the Boston Marathon. In her free time, Kelsey loves to bake (cupcakes anyone?), watch Disney movies, exercise, read any kind of novel with a Starbucks latte in hand, and watch endless episodes of "Friends" or "30 Rock."