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12 Days of Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We’ve all heard the classic “12 Days of Christmas”, but what about the dreaded 12 Days of Finals at BC?

On the first day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

A lowest test grade dropped

On the second day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Two hours of cramming

On the third day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Three extra blue books

On the fourth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Four cups of Hillside coffee

On the fifth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Five all-nighters in O’Neill

On the sixth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Six more group projects

On the seventh day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Seven thoughts of dropping out

On the eighth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Eight hours of crying breakdowns

On the ninth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Nine (million) flashcards

On the tenth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me..

Ten pints of ice cream

On the eleventh day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Eleven different visits to office hours

And on the twelfth day of Finals,

My true love gave to me…

Twelve email reminders that our tuition is due during Finals!


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Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.