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10 Easy Ways to: Beat the Winter Blahs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


It comes around every January.  The inevitable depression that follows the holidays is unbearable; the lights and decorations are taken down and thrown away, freshly fallen snow becomes muddy sludge, and the excitement of being back at school eventually evolves into an irrepressible loathing of your 9 am class.  I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you feel bad about the upcoming weeks; in fact, my aim is the opposite.  The Winter Blahs may be a disease that affects many a Collegiette, but they are relatively easy to overcome with just a little bit of planning and optimism.  Having experienced two decades of cold northern winters, I consider myself a Season Affective Disorder pro, and am more than willing to share the 10 easiest ways to defeat post-holiday depression.


1. It’s repeated so often because it’s 100% true- working out can take the most exhausted of girls and transform her into a hyper-productive fireball of energy.  Before class, after class, in between class- any time is a good time to boost adrenaline and kick start productivity.  You’ll feel better and look better. Who’s going to argue with that?

2. After treating yourself to an hour (or two) of exercise, continue the pampering by planning a spa day with your roomies.  Stock up on nail polish and DIY egg white face masks and watch an entire season of Gossip Girl while giving yourself a pedicure and sipping cucumber water.  You’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the winter with pretty feet to take you to class.

3. Who says you need a crowded mod party to get down to your favorite beats?  A weekday dance party is sure to liven the mood in your apartment.  Invite the neighbors or practice a solo routine in your room; by letting loose and forgetting about the oppressive grey clouds outside, you’ll bring a little sunshine to your day.


4. Self Tanner. Self-explanatory.  Tan people are happy people.  Just be careful of streaks.  Nobody likes tie-dye girl.


5. I know spring break is only six weeks away, and we’re all obsessed with attaining the perfect beach body, but a gal can only handle so many salads before she self-implodes.  I’ve done extensive research on this topic, so I’m an expert.  Next time you’re feeling blue and like you’re one cup of edamame away from ransacking every single pastry shelf in Lower, have a piece of dark chocolate.  A little indulgence is better than a late-night binge, and dark chocolate will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but has benefits for your heart and brain and is full of antioxidants.


6. Queen B said it best when she proclaimed, “Whoever said money doesn’t buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop.”  It’s easy to get into a routine in the cold winter months, shuffling from class to dinner to library to bed.  Take a Saturday (or Wednesday, just don’t tell your professor it was I who suggested it), and head downtown for some retail therapy.  A change of scenery and a temporary break from routine can get you out of a rut and cheer you up… as will a few new duds make you feel more confident.

7. Wifey season is in full swing at the moment.  If you’re in a relationship, take advantage of it during dull January evenings.  Cuddle up and watch a movie, or plan an adventurous date night to spice up a dreary night.  From literally spicing it up (Bamboo Thai Restaurant is seriously underrated), to figuratively, connection with another person is bound to put you in a good mood.


8. I’ve always been a huge proponent of art therapy.  Call me crazy craft lady, but getting in touch with your artsy side can work wonders on one’s outlook on life.  Browse Her Campus BC or Pinterest for ideas to decorate your room; from wall murals to painted picture frames, little touches here and there will make it feel more homey as well as give your mind a break from studying.

9. If you missed Student Activities fair last fall, or felt like you had too much on your plate last semester, now is the perfect time to get involved in something new on campus.  Lots of clubs, from acapella groups to The Heights, welcome new members at the start of second semester.  Don’t be afraid to send an e-mail to the main contact to see if there’s a way you can join. It never hurts to ask, and chances are they’ll be happy to oblige!  Being involved on campus is probably the #1 way to avoid boredom and meet new people, so I would highly suggest going for it.


10.  This may seem a little extreme, but speaking from experience, it really works.  If you feel like you are in need of a drastic change, cut or dye your hair.  It’s cured break-up blues for years, and the winter blahs aren’t much different.  I dyed mine just last week, and I feel confident, content, and ready to tackle second semester.

Don’t let the season get you down. Though the holidays are over, and winter is far from done, there’s no reason to sulk and sludge through snow for the next three months.  Beat the Winter Blahs instead of letting them beat you!


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Maddie is a senior at Boston College, where she spends her days fawning over literature and Art History textbooks. She was previously an editorial intern at Her Campus, and is now a HC contributing writer and blogger. Follow her on twitter @madschmitz for a collection of vaguely amusing tweets. 
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.