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woman with a mask and acne on her face
woman with a mask and acne on her face
Design by Alana Cosper
Style > Beauty

5 Ways to Prevent “Maskne”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Baylor chapter.

     Let’s be real – wearinga  mask is a small price to pay for everyone’s safety, but our skin shouldn’t have to suffer! If you have acne prone skin like me, I’m sure you’ve experienced breakouts specifically on your cheeks and chin since the mask mandate. Check out how we can fight COVID-19 and feel confident under our mask at the same time! 


1. Wash Your Face Before and After Going Out

     This may seem like an obvious one, but masks can trap dirt and oil on your skin for a long time. By washing your face before, you limit how much bacjteria is on your face before putting on a mask and washing your face after can remove all the buildup from your day. Try not to wear makeup under your mask if possible, but if you have to, make sure you’re applying makeup to a clean face and remove it as soon as you can. 


2. Wash Your Reusable Masks Often With a Fragrance-Free Detergent

     Fragrances can irritate sensitive skin on your face, so avoid any strong scents when picking out laundry detergent for your masks. Bacteria can build up fast if you wear the same mask multiple days in a row, so try to have multiple mask options and wash them separate from your clothes every couple of days. 


3. Make Sure Your Skincare is Completely Dry

     Most of us have a daytime skincare routine before leaving our home, but before you put on your mask, make sure your face has had enough time to soak up all the products you use and dry completely! Most products like moisturizer, sunscreen, and serums need about 20 minutes to absorb, so putting on your mask before your face is dry can cause your products to rub off or trap more bacteria from your mask throughout the day, doing more harm than good! 


4. Let Your Skin Breathe with Gentle Mask Fabrics

     Smart Air conducted a study comparing mask fabrics and concluded that tightly woven, 100% cotton masks are safe enough to prevent the spread of COVID while also being gentle on your skin. Check the material tag on your mask to make sure they are made of natural fabrics like cotton rather than synthetic materials like polyester, the natural fibers are more irregular causing them to trap more particles, while synthetic fibers are smoother and uniform, meaning particles pass right through. This will help your skin and your peers the best!


5. Change Your Mask ASAP if You Sweat a Lot

     Masks are required in gyms too! This means your mask will soak up all the sweat from your workout and stick to your skin. Even if you don’t work out often, hot days can unfortunately have the same effect. If you plan on going to the gym, squeezing in a quick run outside, or if the weather is extra hot or humid, make sure to carry around an extra mask or two; your skin will thank you.


     Now that masks are a part of our daily lives, we have to take extra precautions so we still feel like ourselves! If your skin has been doing less-than-favorable things like mine, follow this list and your skin will go back to normal during these not so normal times! 

Alana Cosper is a freshman Biochemistry/Spanish double major on the pre-med track. She is from Horn Lake, Mississippi just outside of Memphis, Tennessee. When she isn't studying or getting boba with friends, she loves playing one of MANY wind instruments or adding songs into her Spotify playlist! She loves the color yellow, music, her two cats Hoagie and Spooky, and trying new foods or languages from all over the planet. She hopes to become a surgeon and work with Doctors Without Borders.