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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ball State chapter.

Let me take you on my journey so far as a transfer student. I am a second-year student here at Ball State, and I came from a small commuter college in my hometown. I never thought about transferring schools because I could study my major close to home. During my second year of college, I decided to switch majors and although my university at the time had the new major, I wasn’t getting the experience I wanted. I started to look at a bunch of colleges and immediately fell in love with them. They all had the hands-on experience I was looking for and the connections I would need. The next steps I needed to take were to tour and to send in my applications. Ball State was the last university I toured. I had been here a couple of times before visiting friends, but I never looked at going here myself. The minute I stepped into the school of journalism, which is my major, I fell in love. The community was so welcoming, and the things I would get to learn were so intriguing to me. I have always been someone who loves to learn new things, even if it has nothing to do with my career, and my current program allows me to do just that. I get to learn and do things that prepare me for my career, but also allow me to play around with different softwares like Adobe Suites, Canva, media and so much more.

Coming to Muncie has definitely had its ups and downs, and I’ve had to do a lot of adjusting, both mentally and physically. This is the first year I’ve spent away from my family and although it’s very hard, I don’t regret doing it. My family is so supportive, and their words and excitement make me feel close to them even though I’m far away. I also think having a good support system from your friends is essential. I live with two of my close friends off campus and we are each other’s family. We cheer each other on for our achievements, from getting a good grade on a chemistry test to finally parking straight, and even solving some not-so-important problems. We help each other every single day whether it’s with homework, cooking dinner, hanging something on the wall or even just being a shoulder to cry on. We do everything together even if the task only requires one person. Having friends that become your family is something so special because you only live with them for a little while, but the memories and friendships last a lifetime.

I think the hardest thing you will ever have to do with transferring schools is finding those people who make you feel safe, loved, understood and appreciated. Whether you find this in an organization, club, Greek life or something else, finding that support makes college exciting and enjoyable. During the first three weeks of school, I felt very left out and sad due to Greek life recruitment. At my previous school I was in a sorority, and seeing all these students excited to go to their new home made me miss mine. But I think that’s the joy of transferring. I made a commitment to my sisters and although I can’t participate in person, I am still a part of it. I may not be a Greek at BSU, but the other clubs and organizations I am a part of give me that sense of community too. Being active on your campus, no matter what you choose to do, is important to finding where you belong and your family. 

Transferring schools is definitely a whole new experience in life, especially doing it so far into my college education. It may seem frustrating and impossible, but that shouldn’t play a factor in following your dreams. I have been here for six weeks, and it has been the most exciting, scary, confusing and magical time. I wouldn’t trade this new chapter in my life for the world.

Julissa Garcia

Ball State '26

I am a second year student at Ball State studying Journalism with two minors one in Creative Writing and the other in Political Science. I love to read, write, listen to music and create art!