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Meet media entrepreneur Randi Zuckerberg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ball State chapter.

In a vastly growing digital age, Randi Zuckerberg knows the importance of the technological evolution.

Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook and founder of Zuckerberg Media, was this year’s first Excellence in Leadership speaker on Oct. 26 in John R. Emens Auditorium.

During her presentation, Zuckerberg talked about innovation and entrepreneurship, and she encouraged listeners to focus on success – not failure. She shared stories about the beginnings of Facebook and the decision to leave Corporate America to help her brother with the Facebook project.

Zuckerberg said that she was reluctant to join her brother at first, but she soon found herself helping pioneer the social media company in California.

“I think I turned him down about a dozen times. I was like, ‘I would never go work for my brother’s silly company, who the hell would do that?’ … Luckily, he was very persistent,” she said.

Being involved in a start-up company like Facebook gave her more exposure to real-life work experience and opportunities that she wouldn’t have received at the advertisement agency where she was working, she said.

“[At a start-up], you create your own career and can bypass so many gears of the corporate ladder by getting your hands dirty and getting that education,” she said.

Helping with Facebook is far from Zuckerberg’s only accomplishment, however. She is the CEO of her own marketing firm and production company, and she’s also appeared on Broadway in the show “Rock of Ages.” She runs a radio show on Sirius XM and has written two successful books. Zuckerberg’s book “Dot Complicated” was a New York Times Best Seller. Her other book, aimed toward children and called “Dot,” is now being made into a television show.