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snow day at campus
snow day at campus
Original photo by Semaj Nitta
Life > Experiences

5 Ways to Spend a Snow Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ball State chapter.

Blankets of snow and sheets of ice have made their bed in your college town. News has spread that campus will be closed for the day. It’s time for an epic snow day! Here’s 5 ways to spend your snow day this winter. 

Self care day

Your hard work this semester deserves some recognition. Take the day to stay inside and truly take care of yourself! Crank up your favorite playlist or podcast, complete every step of your skincare routine or do a face mask, stay in your comfiest fit, and spend the day doing what makes you feel most relaxed. Some great self-care podcasts can be found here and here

Make new recipes

Going to the grocery store or your favorite fast food spot may not be the best idea in this weather, so take the opportunity to cook something new! Assess the ingredients you have in your fridge and pantry, then get creative. If you’re feeling uninspired by your selection, check out a recipe generator like this one to make the best of what you have.

Catch up on schoolwork

If your to-do list has more items than your online shopping cart, take this day off to finally get caught up. Be sure to eat an energizing meal, set yourself up in a comfortable (but not too comfortable) spot, and turn on a studying playlist (like this one) then let the productivity flow. Remember to take breaks! Set manageable benchmarks for yourself to rest, walk around your space, find a healthy distraction, then return ready to grind out your next task. 

play in the snow

Have a snowball fight, make snow angels, or channel your inner Anna from Frozen, and go build yourself a snowman! Bonus points if you dress up your new snow friend in some of your college gear to create a brand new university mascot. You can challenge your roommates or neighbors to a snowman building contest for extra excitement. Be sure to post about your creation on social media so everyone can appreciate your skills. For best practices on snow creature construction, check out this article

movie/tv marathon

Assemble your favorite snacks, grab your favorite blanket, and gear up for the ultimate marathon. Turn on your TV or laptop to your favorite streaming service. Now queue up the new season of that show you haven’t had time to watch, your favorite comfort movies, the show you’re rewatching for the third time, or the brand new movie you’ve been waiting for. You can stay in your pajamas, too. 

However you decide to spend your snow day, make sure it’s about you and what will make you feel warm during this bitter cold. Happy relaxing!

Fashion Merchandising major with minors in Marketing & French. Editor-in-Chief of HC Ball State & very involved on campus. Passionate about fashion, food, travel, & all things sustainability!