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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Content warning, this post is speaking about gender identity, and has a brief mention of sexual harassment. 

I wrote this poem on international women’s day

To highlight the experience that I’ve had.

This poem is not to diss women or any individuals.

It is just me sharing how I was feeling in the moment.

As a person who is non-binary, my connection to womanhood is a bit alienated. That does not mean that I lack womanhood, that does not mean that I did not experience girlhood. It just means that my experience is different. I could go on and on about the complexities of gender identity and how my own is complex and overwhelming at times. Regardless, no matter what words I’m using to identify myself, or my experience, I am whole, and I am human, I am me, and that is enough.

Womanhood; what the fuck is it:


What the fuck is it? 

People tell me that womanhood is getting your period when you’re 13 or becoming a mother, or being socialized as a girl 

People tell me that womanhood is the ability to carry your own children 

Womanhood is a sacred delicate practice 

Womanhood is throwing back glasses of wine while bitching to my friends at brunch 

Womanhood is difficult 

Womanhood is hard for me, because I do not feel like a woman 

I am a woman I will always be seen and perceived as a woman 

But I’m not just “some girl”

I’m a person 

I am a human being that has been treated as less because of how I was born 

Being a woman is not having gender equality 

Being a woman is being paid less than a man 

Being a woman is being sexually harassed on the street at 10

Being a woman is beautiful and fucking terrible sometimes 

Being a woman is difficult when I’m not a woman 

Being a woman is difficult when I am feeling dysphoric in my body 

Being proud of my womanhood is hard when I don’t understand womanhood 

Through your eyes, I am some bitch complaining 

But in my eyes, I’m just a person who’s struggling 

Getting called “girl” and “her” and “she” every single day when on the inside I don’t feel that way

But the world will always see me as a woman because I have a large chest

Because the way my body is structured and curves, the way that I bleed from the womb

The way that my voice is soft and sensitive and pretty 

Being a woman is identifying as a woman 

But to me, they’re all just words that we made up 

I am proud of the women in my life 

I’m proud of everybody in my life 

I am inspired by women I love women 

But that does not mean that I want to be like women

I will always share the struggles of a woman being born being perceived as one 

But at the end of the day, I really am just someone 

Keela Sawyer

Augustana '27

Hi I'm Keela (They/Them) and I am a freshman at Augustana College! I am majoring in Public Health and WGSS, as well as minoring in Psychology and Disability Studies. I am on the writing/editing team and the social media team in the HerCampus Augustana chapter. Alongside HerCampus, I also participate in YDSA, TRIO, AAE, GSA, and WAUG. In my free time I enjoy writing poetry, making art, and hanging out with my friends around campus. I hope you enjoy my work!