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How Clean Eating Changed my Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Clean eating has given me some of the most fulfilling years of my life. This is an odd statement to make as a college student in an environment where my peers thrive on fast food, but I am confident in saying this nonetheless.

Growing up, my parents worked so often that it gradually became impossible for them to always have fresh, healthy meals prepared for dinner. I appreciate my parents for working hard: They have provided for me a life abundant in joy and love. Their journey to America from Romania as immigrants has created a radically different life for my sisters and I than the one they imagined. Rather than crumble under the pressure of the American lifestyle, my parents have worked tirelessly since coming to America in order to provide for their children. Their willingness to sacrifice large amounts of time to work eventually affected my eating habits, however.


With this in mind, I am inclined to assert that I in no way resent my parents for their consistent dedication to my sisters and I. On typical weekdays, and especially after a busy weekend, it became normal for my sisters and I to snack on junk food. For one of my sisters, it was chocolate and hard candy. For me, however, it was frozen pizza and hot chips. I found comfort in eating foods capable of inducing immediate bursts of energy or explosions of flavor. Despite my awareness of healthier options in supermarkets, I chose to continue eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Soon, my desire for any sort of real nutrition faded. My younger sister looked up to me, and eventually began to copy my poor eating habits. As time went on, I discovered that my eating habits were not only unhealthy, but that I wasn’t eating three meals a day or feeling energized. I remember having dark circles under my eyes as early as middle school. In high school my habits worsened. I began to experience lack of sleep, severe dehydration, and moodiness as a result of my food choices. Rather than being focused on my studies, as my peers were, I was occupied and overwhelmed with my declining health.


It was only towards the end of high school when I gradually began to shift to a healthier lifestyle. I was eager to dive into eating clean, but I quickly realized it would take ample amounts of time and research before I could truly devote myself. Perhaps some of the greatest advice that I have even been giving about committing to a healthier lifestyle is that I will not see results overnight. It truly takes time, devotion, and an honest desire to change.


I have come across many resources useful enough to share here. The websites eatingwell.com, greenkitchenstories.com, and naturallyella.com in particular have inspired and motivated me to eat healthy and eat often. These websites offer generous amounts of recipes and lifestyle tips for those seeking to change their diets.

An English and Communications Major who is passionate about creating and reading literature.
Lu is a senior at Augustana College majoring in Graphic Design. She is a Co-Editor in Chief of the Augustana Observer and a Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Augustana.