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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

In the hushed corners of a bustling cafe, I found myself at a crossroads, grappling with the whispers of my own insecurities. Amidst the clinking of cups and the hum of conversation, a solitary truth lingered, waiting to be acknowledged.

“Yeah, I’m a little addicted to my phone right now,” I murmured, the admission slipping past my lips almost effortlessly. Across the table, my friend raised an eyebrow, but there was no judgment in their gaze, only understanding.

For so long, I had danced around my weaknesses, shrouding them in layers of denial and deflection. But today was different. Today, I chose to confront them head-on, to lay bare the vulnerabilities that had long tethered me to self-doubt.

“Yeah, I’m not really over this person yet,” I confessed, the words tinged with a hint of melancholy. It was a confession tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia, a reminder of a love lost but not forgotten.

And then, with a quiet resolve, I added, “But I’m trying to get better.” It was a simple statement, yet it carried the weight of a promise to myself to heal, to grow, to move forward with grace.

As the afternoon sun cast long shadows across the table, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. No longer did I fear the judgment of others, for I had already faced the harshest critic of all, myself.

“Yeah, I still get pretty anxious in crowds,” I admitted, feeling the familiar knot of apprehension tightening in my chest. But this time, there was no shame in the confession, only a quiet acceptance of my own humanity.

And with that acceptance came a newfound sense of empowerment. In owning up to my flaws, I found strength. In acknowledging my struggles, I found resilience. And in striving to be better each day, I found a freedom that rendered me undefeatable in the face of judgment, for no one can judge me for things I already know about myself and am actively working to improve.

And so, as the day drew to a close and the café emptied of its patrons, I left with a lighter heart and a renewed sense of purpose. For I had discovered the true secret to self-assurance not in perfection, but in the courage to embrace my imperfections and grow from them, one honest confession at a time.

Cami Flores

Augustana '25

I am such a simple person. everyday I wake up, think "no thanks" and then go right back to sleep.