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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

I fall in love with faceless people everyday

Maybe more so the ideas of them

I daydream of drunk dancing

With the many loves of my many lives

It is always infinite

Playing like a scratched CD in the outdated system of my subconscious


As a young girl, why shouldn’t I fall in love everyday

Maybe I’m lonely

I need to be wistful, hopeful

With the ideas of kissing a stranger, a woman, a man

Is it naive?

I’m confused as I dance around the changing imagery, music, and fluidity


It is more difficult to fall in love with myself

Maybe it is true that you have to love yourself first

Before anyone else

With the music playing in the back of my mind

I try to dance with myself

I try to kiss myself

But the person I hold always goes faceless


Erica Amdal

Augustana '22

My name is Erica Amdal. Aiming to major in Anthropology, I am intrigued by the values in societies and how humans are interconnected yet immensely diverse. I strive to immerse myself in different cultures to gain more insight on the colorful lives of other humans. Coinciding with my desire to study different cultures and their unique attributes, I am motivated and intrigued by the ability of people to interpret art in ways that adhere to their own lives, which influences my stylized approach in my own work.
Augustana Contributor