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You Know You Go to Auburn When….

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


You know you go to Auburn when….


Every campus has traditions and trends that blend into the culture of their students. Auburn University’s traditions may seem a little strange at first, but it is nothing that you can’t pick up within the first week of classes. Whether an incoming freshman or a fifth year senior, here are some things that sets Auburn apart from other SEC schools and makes us feel instantly at home:


  1. Spotting a minor celebrity on campus is just your average Tuesday (cough cough Cam  Newton cough cough)
  2. You can easily obtain stamps on a single hand from several bars in one night
  3. You actually brag about the number of RVs your campus can hold
  4. Even if it takes double the time, you would rather hunt for the last spot in RO before taking the shuttle to campus than break a sweat walking a mile to campus from your apartment
  5. Walking around in a pile of toilet paper up to your knees is something to be proud of
  6. Waiting in a Starbucks line covering the majority of the student center hallway is worth the entirety of your 50 minute class break
  7. “War Damn” is an excuse for just about anything (Have a fourth tequila shot?? Why not?! War damn to that!!!)
  8. No girl actually dresses up for class…. Norts and an extra large Comfort Colors tee bring out the true inner beauty in everyone
  9. You would never be caught dead in a color even remotely similar to “Crimson”
  10. Hanging out in the health center all day for your so-called migraine is so worth the excuse note you got for skipping your psychology quiz