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What a Man’s Dog Says About Him

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Have you ever seen a ridiculously attractive guy, and then trailing five feet behind him is a tiny little lap dog?  The only way this is an acceptable situation is if the guy is being a sweet boyfriend and taking his girlfriend’s tiny dog outside. Dogs are a lot like cars–it’s easy to tell certain things about a guy by the type of dog he calls his pet. So take it from us, and spot these signs early!

1. The Guy with a Pitbull 

Pitbulls are basically terrifying to the average female. If any girl has ever seen a giant, fiesty, about-to-bite-your-arm-off pitbull and said “aww he is so cute!”, she is most likely lying. Guys with this type of dog are clearly trying to show off their manliness and society’s practice of hegemonic masculinity. Yes, you’re a dude, you can bench-press 250 pounds and eat a hamburger in 3 bites, but your terrifying dog is taking it too far. These kinds of dogs are going to keep the ladies away, not bring them to you. So long story short, a man with a pitbull is trying to solidify his manliness and is probably a little too into himself. Cockiness is never attractive. 

2. The Man with a 12 year old Basset Hound

Basset hounds are known for their hunting abilities, but they’re aren’t usually the dog of choice for that task anymore. There’s a chance the guy takes his hunting, but it’s safe to bet that the majority of the time the two can be found sleeping on the couch.  Basset hounds say “I’m a dude and I like dogs, but I just like hanging out”. With their long flappy ears and big eyes, these dogs look a lot like an old man.  Guys with this precious puppy are probably pretty easy going, laid back, and maybe just a tad too lazy. 

3. The Dude with the Corgi

Corgis look like little clowns, so the guy with this kind of dog is more than likely a goof ball. Corgis are cute and girls will definitely fawn over them.  They are historically herding dogs, so you can expect that wherever the guy walks his fuzzy little Corgi isn’t far away. Corgis are very energetic and need lots of attention, which is a great sign for us ladies–guys with a corgi are most likely very attentive to our needs!

4. The Boy with the Lap Dog 

So he has a Maltese, a Yorkie, or any other breed that weighs under 8 pounds. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it just means he might not be the manliest of men– there’s a chance he hasn’t set foot in a gym in a least 5 years and would rather drink wine than an ice cold beer.  These guys are very sensitive and emotional. They love cuddling and staying indoors. These kinds of dogs do not need to be exercised, so the guys that have them probably are not outdoorsy. Girls will absolutely notice these dogs and think they are cute, but might be a little hesitant to get into a relationship with their owner. Just test the waters and see what he’s like. If he’s more into his little dog than he is into you, it’s probably safe to assume girls aren’t his thing. 

5. The Guy with the Retriever or Lab


Golden retreivers and labs are sneaky. If you don’t know much about dogs you may assume that because they can be big dogs that they aren’t very nice, but that is all wrong. They are so sweet and friendly. The guy who owns one of these has a similar nature. He may be intimidatingly good looking, but he’s one of the nicest guys around. He embodies all of the characteristics that girls idolize in men. These guys take time to play fetch with their dog in the park, take them on runs, and drink a beer with them while they lay on the couch watching football. They look like tough guys but they are secret softies, especially for their dogs. 

Writer for the Auburn branch of Her Campus. Junior studying communication.