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Top 5 Gameday Outfits!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

This month is a special month in the south. The start of college football season is finally here! If you’re anything at all like me and my friends, then you definitely have a portion of your closet dedicated to orange and blue. Now don’t get mad at me for thinking this, but these two colors do NOT look great together year-round. So in my attempts to buy things I’ll love on every day of the week (and have the best trends), here’s what I’ll be wearing this year:

GB Colored Skinny Pants – $44

It’s no secret that colored pants were one of the biggest trends for spring and summer and I couldn’t be happier that it’s carrying into the fall. Whether it is denim or corduroys, this is still a look you can use for game days. Boots and an oversized cream sweater make these navy pants one of my favorite fall picks.

Nectar Tank – $48

I’m in love with this lace tank top for a few reasons. Being from the south and understanding how hot an Alabama Saturday can get, every girl needs a few light-weight go-to items for game day. This is the perfect replacement to a sundress!

Marionette Mix Dress – $138 (75% off!)

For a more traditional game day look, I would go with this dress! Because of the cut, it easily transitions from daytime tailgate to nighttime. The color scheme is all Auburn and with minimal jewelry required, this dress steals the show.

Private Gallery Tube Dress

Every year I ask myself the exact same question. “How much orange and blue can I possibly wear!?” It’s not that I don’t love my colors, but sometimes I just need a break. I can’t help but think that this dress was invented for those days. The orange accents at the waist and bottom give it just enough of an Auburn touch!

Short Sleeve Romper w/ Belt – $36.50

Once again, I think we all want a break from sundresses some days and this romper is the perfect way to do it while still keeping cool. Dressed up or down this is definitely a favorite.