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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Fall is easily one of my favorite times of the year. With a football game every Saturday and a party always going on somewhere, it’s a great time to meet new people and make memories. This time of year always brings new music with it as well. Whether it be to dance, study, or work out, I am always listening to music. So, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 songs everyone needs to download this Fall. 

10.  ‘That’s My Kind of Night’ by Luke Bryan

This song has mixed reviews from country music lovers, but the beat is catchy and who doesn’t love Luke Bryan? Plus, he’s coming to Auburn for a concert next week and THAT’S my kind of night.

9. ‘Berzerk’ by Eminem

Eminem has made a comeback in mainstream music with this new single. The full album will be released on November 5th and if it’s anything like this single, it will not disappoint. 

*lyrical content is explicit



8. ‘Cups’ by Anna Kendrick

The catchy song from the movie Pitch Perfect has everyone making Vines and learning how to make rhythm with a plastic cup. Though most hipsters will tell you it wasn’t originally from the movie,  Anna Kendrick has popularized the song and we’re sure glad she did.

7.  ‘Royals’ by Lorde

As a big fan of the alternative genre, I’m very happy to see this song becoming popular. It’s definitely one of my favorite study songs and is currently the #1 single on iTunes.


6.  ‘Holy Grail’ by Jay Z (feat. Justin Timberlake)

With a duo like JT and Jay Z, this song couldn’t be bad. It seems like this song is on the radio 24/7, and it’s so great that at the moment we’re not complaining about it.

*lyrical content is explicit 

5. ‘Applause’ by Lady Gaga

Lady G has always got something up her sleeve (whether it be made of meat or cloth) and is always entertaining. We now have this awesome song to keep us busy while we wait to see what she will do next.

4. ‘Roar’ by Katy Perry

Debuting her new single at the VMA’s, Katy Perry gains the #4 spot on the list. Always bringing the girl power, Katy Perry knows how to put up a fight. And we Auburn Tigers know all about that.


3. ‘Wrecking Ball’ by Miley Cyrus

Despite all the anti-Miley talk, you can’t deny that this song is full of raw emotion. She puts her heart in to the song and, even though most of us haven’t swung around on a wrecking ball naked, we can relate.

2. ‘Mirrors’ by Justin Timberlake

I think everyone can agree Justin Timberlake is back and we couldn’t be happier. After his killer performance at the VMA’s and his new album, he has reached a new high, earning him the #2 spot on our list.

1. ‘Wake Me Up’ by Avicii

This song has a great rhythm, so it’s no surprise why it’s one of the top songs in the world. Actually, it’s become so popular that it has landed the #3 spot on the Billboard Hot 100, and the #1 spot on my list!

**BONUS SONG: ‘What Does the Fox Say’ by Ylvis

I’m not sure if there is really a way to describe this pop culture sensation. You’re just going to have to listen to it for yourself. 


What songs are on your fall playlist? Tell us in the comments below! 

Freshman at Auburn!