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Strong is the New Sexy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Everyone knows guys love to lift weights, get ripped, and show it off. They take over the free weights section in the gym making it difficult for girls who don’t know a lot about weight lifting to venture into that area. Girls say they don’t want to lift weights because they do not want to get bulky. The only way a girl is going to get bulky is if she increases her calorie intake, especially protein, and lifts heavy weights every day. Strength training is how girls get toned. There are several forms of strength training which include: resistance training, free weights, weight machines, and body weight. Cardio is the fat burner, and weight lifting is the muscle shaper. You’re not going to get Carrie Underwood’s legs from doing the elliptical an hour every day!

1. Strength training helps you to build strong bones
2. It helps you control your weight
3. It helps reduce your risk of injury
4. It helps boost your stamina
5. It helps manage chronic conditions
6. It helps sharpen your focus.

There are absolutely no bad effects that come with strength training unless you over do it. Muscle mass diminishes with age. If you do not replace the lost muscle with more muscle your body will replace it with fat!

Carrie Underwoods Lower Body Leg Workout
Do these exercises 3 days a week, alternating between these and cardio.

Exercise 1: Bulgarian lunge
Stand with your back to the bench, about 3 feet away from it, with weights in hands. Place your right foot on the bench and lunge forward toward that leg, creating a 90 degree angle with your left leg. Hold that position for 2-5 seconds and repeat. Do each 8-12 reps on each leg.

Exercise 2: Stepups
Stand with a bench or step in front of you. Place your right foot on the step, then your left, continuing with your right foot going back down and left foot back down. Do exercise for 30 seconds – 1 minute twice.

Exercise 3: Skater Lunge
Do a reverse lunge with your leg behind you at an angle. Almost as if you were curtseying. Jump from one leg to the other. Do for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Exercise 4: Toe Taps
Stand with your right foot on the step in front of you. Bring your left foot forward and barely tap your left foot on the step while keeping the right foot stationary. Do this on each leg for 30 seconds – 1 minute.

So move over guys, girls are about to take over the free weights section!

Mayo Clinic Staff. “Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier.” MayoClinic.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <“>http://www.shape.com/celebrities/celebrity-workouts/how-get-lean-sexy-le….

Picture of girl lifting weight
S, Lizzie. “Flab to Fab: The Reality of Being Skinny Fat.” RTR On Campus. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. <“>http://www.bodyincredible.com/incredible-bodies-2-those-legs-are-amazing….


Summer is a currently a senior student at Auburn University. As a journalism major she actively enjoys writing and is the co-founder and current Editor-in-Chief of the Her Campus branch at Auburn, as well as a writer for the Greek newspaper The Odyssey. In addition, Summer is an active member of Kappa Alpha Theta, PRSSA and the Society of Professional Journalists. Summer loves fashion and enjoys blogging about her personal style.