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Songs to Boost Your Girl Power

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Songs to Boost Your Girl Power

Her Campus is focused on building an interactive community of female college students and giving them advice and commentary on everything from organizations and academics to social events and relationships. With a quick glance at any of the fantastic articles, it’s easy to tell that female ambition and leadership is encouraged on the site. In my opinion, Her Campus does an excellent job of giving the college female student a voice and the power to discuss a variety of topics throughout this community. It truly gives “girl power” a whole new meaning and that is something to celebrate…with music of course. So turn on a couple of songs that help you channel your inner girl power, get motivated, and get out there! Here are a couple of songs to get you started.

Joan Jett – Bad Reputation

Joan Jett lived in a world where girls weren’t allowed to play rock ‘n’ roll. She decided to change that stereotype and went on to be one of the most famous rock musicians ever. “A girl can do what she wants to do and that’s what I’m gonna do” is my favorite lyric in the song and embraces what girl power is all about. Jett sings her heart out and rocks out on her guitar all while giving women everywhere a mission to never give in to the stereotypes set against their gender.

Beyonce – Run the World (Girls)

Oh, come on. Don’t act like you didn’t think of this song when you were thinking of your girl power playlist. Beyonce is the queen of girl power! With all of the songs on the radio about getting over break-ups and crying over boys, the meaning behind Beyonce’s 2011 single is refreshing and motivational. With other hits like “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It), Beyonce reigns as one of the best female artists who also shares her girl power with all of her fans.

Cyndi Lauper – Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Cyndi Lauper’s 1980s hit may not get you motivated to run for president of a campus organization or slay that research paper you’ve been ignoring, but if you want to just dance around in your room with your girlfriends then this song is for you. Lauper has always been known for her eccentricity and is a pioneer in encouraging women to embody their true identities in a world where that is not always a priority. It’s clear that women are powerful and strong, but we also know how to have fun! We clearly are a force to be reckoned with.

Kelly Clarkson – Miss Independent

This is another throwback song, Kelly Clarkson has always embodied the strength of women with songs like “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” and “Since U Been Gone.” In “Miss Independent,” Clarkson sings about not letting a man interfere with her goals and being unafraid to accomplish anything. The song shows off her fierce spirit and is perfect as a girl power anthem.

These are only a few songs featured on my girl power playlist. What are some of the songs on yours?



Taylor loves The Beatles, River Phoenix movies and vinyl records. She can usually be found dancing at a concert or discussing how she was born in the wrong decade.