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Shaista Walji and Auburn’s Program Alternative Student Breaks!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Many of us collegiettes™ picture Spring Break as that oh so glorious time of year when we can finally shed our adorable winter coats, ditch the scarves, and trade out for sundresses and bikinis (don’t forget the sunscreen!). We grab our girlfriends, head down to the beach, and finally let our hair down after what seems like a never-ending winter. But for other students, Spring Break has a totally different meaning. We sat down with Shaista Walji, Assistant Director of International Affairs, to get the scoop! 


HC Auburn: What is ASB?

Shaista: ASB stands for Alternative Student Breaks, and it is part of the center of community service at Auburn University. This organization gives Auburn’s students an opportunity to volunteer nationally and internationally with a pressing social issue that they are passionate about. Alternative Student Breaks is a student run service program that is based out of the Office of Community Service in the Division of Student Affairs. The Alternative Student Breaks program places teams of college students in communities to engage in service and experiential learning during their academic breaks. The objective of an Alternative Student Break is to involve college students in community-based service projects and to give students opportunities to learn about the problems faced by members of other communities. Being completely immersed in diverse environments enables participants to experience, discuss, and understand social issues in a significant way. The intensity of the experience increases the likelihood that participants will transfer the lessons learned on-site back to their own communities after the Alternative Student Break ends.
HC Auburn: When and do the trips take place, and what is the purpose of these trips?
Shaista: ASB trips takes place during winter break, spring break, and MLK weekend for various lengths of time. Each year the mission and the location of the trip change, based on the what the site leaders and executive board for ASB are passionate about. This year the winter break trips, are doing a community development project in Ecuador for the international project. While the domestic projects are working with Habitat for Humanity at Punta Gorda, Florida, Give Kids the World in Kissimmee, Florida, and an elderly home in Savannah, Georgia. As well there is a trip during MLK weekend that will deal with Homelessness and Urban poverty In Atlanta, Georgia.
HC Auburn: How did you get involved in ASB?
Shaista: I had heard about ASB from a friend of mine who had participated in three ASB trips, and learning about the mission and the service that ASB provides, I knew it was something I wanted to be part of. My first ASB trip was this spring where I went for a community development project to Costa Rica. I enjoyed the trip and the experience; in fact one of my most memorable college experiences had to be on this trip. I loved working with a local orphanage there in a small town; I wish spring break was longer than a week, so I could have spent more time there. With the experience, I had there I came back and knew I wanted to help plan trips as such for other students to be part of, and that is what I do as part of the Assistant Director of international affairs for ASB. 
HC Auburn: In your opinion, where is the coolest place ASB has gone?
Shaista: The coolest places that ASB has been to so far have to be the international trips to Ecuador and Costa Rica, but the best is yet to come. That is for the first time Auburn students will be able to go to Dominican Republic and serve in various ways. The students will have to help with local medical clinics, orphanages, and any other project that will help better the community there. 

HC Auburn: Are there any upcoming trips?

Shaista: There are Upcoming trips that will take place during spring break. There are 3 domestic trips, one will work Habitat for Humanity, one with ecological conservation, and the last one will work at a camp for special needs. In addition, there are two Spring Break trips that will both deal with community development in Costa Rica, and Dominican Republic. 
HC Auburn: How can students learn more?

Shaista: Students can learn more by visiting the website, by joining the facebook group auburnuniversityccs, following AuService on twitter, or by visiting the Office of Student Involvement (on the 3rd floor of the Student Center), specifically the Center of Community Service.

Shaista and her ASB group in Costa Rica!

Working together at a pre-trip meeting!

Auburn ASB group having a blast in Ecuador!

Ellery is a senior at Auburn University double majoring in Radio, Television, and Film and Musical Theatre. She became involved with her campus in the Fall of 2011, and is a contributing writer and co-founder of the HC branch at her school. Ellery spends her time anchoring and producing stories for the Eagle Eye TV, as well as teaching acting classes for children at the local community theater. A member of the Delta Zeta sorority and the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honors Society, Ellery has enjoyed her time at the loveliest village on the plains, and hopes to pursue an editorial career. Originally from Florida, Ellery loves cooking, fashion, traveling, arts and crafts, and has a flair for all things with southern charm. With a passion for reading and films, Ellery also enjoys the outdoors including hiking and most recently spear-fishing! Ellery is very excited to be apart of the HC team, and is looking forward to watching the Auburn branch grow.