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The Perfect Rainy Day Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


Last week’s wet weather turned the loveliest village on the Plains into a bit of a swamp. Luckily Auburn University students busted out their best rain gear and braved the rain, but let’s face it. Getting out of bed in the morning was probably a struggle. Whether it’s the random pitter-patter of raindrops on your window or the steady rhythm of constant rainfall, rainy days can put you in a calm and relaxed mood. Hearing raindrops right before bedtime is perfect for closing your eyes and falling asleep. The only thing that’s left is a perfect rainy day playlist. Give these soothing tunes a spin the next time a rainy day becomes a lazy day, and you’ll be calm and peaceful in no time.

Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop – Landon Pigg

Landon Pigg is known for his sweet ballads that will make just about any girl swoon. His quiet voice has a smoothness to it that plays off of the subtle and gentle guitar sounds in “Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop.” The song maintains a steady peaceful rhythm that is highlighted by the quiet yet impressive vocal abilities of Pigg who makes the song perfect for relaxing on a rainy day.


Baby Blues Eyes – A Rocket to the Moon

A Rocket to the Moon released two versions of “Baby Blue Eyes,” a full-band track and an acoustic one featuring Larkin Poe. While both tracks display the band’s talent, the acoustic version is the first track on “The Rainy Day Sessions” EP released in 2010 making it perfect for your playlist. The combination of lead singer Nick Santino’s rugged vocals and featured singer Larkin Poe’s lovely voice makes the song both beautiful and calming. Did I mention the band recorded actual raindrops and added them into the songs? The entire EP might make an even longer appearance during your future rainy days.


The Way I Am – Ingrid Michaelson

Ingrid Michaelson’s voice alone is good enough to soothe anybody. Her vocal abilities convey a sense of effortlessness that will put you to ease in no time. “The Way I Am” features a steady drum rhythm that is neither too overpowering nor too quiet. The song masters the perfect balance of guitar sounds, drum rhythms and vocals in a way that can only be described as lovely.


A Drop in the Ocean – Ron Pope

Ron Pope conveys more passion in his songs than any other artist out there. The song’s only music comes from a piano that plays alongside Pope’s voice. While only one instrument may seem limiting, the raw emotion that accompanies his vocals requires little background music. The lack of distracting instruments adds to the stripped-down sound and the slow rhythm of the song to produce a tranquil track.


Other artists featured on my rainy day playlist include Jason Mraz, Secondhand Serenade and Stephen Speaks. What artists are on your playlist? Let us know in the comments!

Taylor loves The Beatles, River Phoenix movies and vinyl records. She can usually be found dancing at a concert or discussing how she was born in the wrong decade.