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Paul Schissler

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Name: Paul Schissler
Organization: WEGL Music Director, Eagle Eye TV
Sign: Gemini
Height: 6’4
Hometown: Titusville, Fl
Major: English Creative Writing
Relationship status: Single
Interests: Stand up comedy, music, and writing
Celebrity crush: Emma Watson
Perfect first date: Cooking Her dinner then going out for ice cream
What impresses you about a girl when you first meet her?: How much she smiles and laughs
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: The ability to fly

Ellery is a senior at Auburn University double majoring in Radio, Television, and Film and Musical Theatre. She became involved with her campus in the Fall of 2011, and is a contributing writer and co-founder of the HC branch at her school. Ellery spends her time anchoring and producing stories for the Eagle Eye TV, as well as teaching acting classes for children at the local community theater. A member of the Delta Zeta sorority and the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honors Society, Ellery has enjoyed her time at the loveliest village on the plains, and hopes to pursue an editorial career. Originally from Florida, Ellery loves cooking, fashion, traveling, arts and crafts, and has a flair for all things with southern charm. With a passion for reading and films, Ellery also enjoys the outdoors including hiking and most recently spear-fishing! Ellery is very excited to be apart of the HC team, and is looking forward to watching the Auburn branch grow.