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National Love Your Roommate Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

According to a recent Odyssey article, October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness month and Halloween; it is “National Hate Your Roommate Month”.  I get it; you’ve been living in a shoebox-sized dorm with this person, who was randomly assigned to you, for almost 3 months now. Every little thing she does is starting to get on your nerves including the pile up of pizza boxes by the trashcan and the dried pieces of toothpaste she leaves in the sink. But let’s face it, you’re going to be stuck with each other for another 7 months so why not put on your big girl pants and love your roomie.

Instead of spending 31 days obsessing over everything your roommate does wrong, why not spend it celebrating what she does right, after all nobody’s perfect and I’m sure you get on her nerves just as much.


1.  Just like in a good relationship, communication is key.

Instead of holding everything in and finally exploding, talk it out. I know confrontation is awkward and nerve wracking but she will not know what’s bothering you if you do not talk to her.  Instead of yelling and screaming about who’s turn it is to take the trash out, bake some chocolate chip cookies, turn on Gossip Girl and just talk it out like in a normal conversation. Trust me, a literal weight will be lifted off your shoulders if you just communicate.


2. You don’t have to be best friends but you do have to be roommates.

For those poor souls who are stuck with randomly assigned strangers and were not lucky enough to land a spot in their sorority house or rooming with their bestie, it’s not the end of the world. My freshman year, I came from out of state, knew only one person at Auburn and was crammed into a dorm room with 3 strangers; today, they are some of my very best friends and are probably the sole reason I survived my first year of college. With that being said, even if you don’t love her right off the bat, you’ve only known her for 3 months so give it some time. Although all roomies do not become inseparable best friends, it is imperative that you keep the peace with her. After all, your dorm is supposed to be your safe haven and the last thing you want is to be stressed out in your own home away from home! Go out to dinner a few times a month, send her a good luck text when she has an Organic Chemistry test, or just a simple “hey” as you’re walking out the door can make a huge difference.


3. Fighting is normal; just make sure to hug it out in the end.

Face it; you come to college and it’s not all about you anymore. Even though I grew up with a younger brother, he was so laid back I may as well have been an only child. I was used to having things done my way and had never even heard of the word compromise. Well guess what? Same with everyone else coming to college; so when you put 2 very different girls together, each used to having their own way, there is going to be some bickering involved. It doesn’t have to be actual arguments, but it’s definitely a learning process. It’s important to establish ground rules up front and go from there. Every once in a while she’ll text you reminding you to put your dishes away or get your laundry out of the dryer but this doesn’t have to turn into World War III. Disagreements are going to happen; even best friends fight, its just human nature. Just remember to hug it out in the end because you’re stuck with each other for a while. If all else fails, Christmas break is right around the corner. 

Animal Science major with a passion for writing. Crazy cat lover, avid diet coke drinker and a shopping addict.