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Meet Your New SGA Executive Office!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


Just admit it—you avoided the concourse like the plague this past week and you totally have no idea what went on this campaign season for SGA. Amidst the sea of collegiates dressed in neon t-shirts shoving fliers, candy, and other campaign gimmicks into the hands of those brave students who boldly took on the concourse this past week you were an island unto yourself, completely and blissfully unaware of what the big deal was. You didn’t say “hey” or “check” for anyone, you just avoided it all… and now you’re a little behind.

 Aren’t we all? Staying involved and balancing schoolwork is a full-time job on any campus, but Auburn’s rich tradition of having such a powerful SGA really puts us above the rest. It’s so important to know what’s happening on our campus and the first place to look is the Involvement Suite on the third floor of the student center!  From the next food truck sensation to major traditions such as Hey Day, Auburn’s SGA determines or has a large hand in the decision-making process for it all. So, without further ado, let’s get you acquainted with our new SGA executive officers!

President: Harrison Mills

After an intense run-off with opposing candidate Chelsea Crooks, Harrison was able to come out of it with the majority vote.

Vice President: Amy Anne Olsen

It was no contest for Amy Anne who “ran” a successful campaign and took more than 3900 votes.

Treasurer: Will McManus

As UPC treasurer, Will McManus worked with the largest budget for any student organization—more than $1 million. I think it is safe to say that our student budget is safe in the hands of “Dolla Dolla Will!”

Miss Auburn: Tara Jones

After running an amazing campaign about the water crisis that included a benefit show on Samford Lawn, it came as no surprise that Tara Jones took home the coveted title of Miss Auburn.

So exciting! I know that I am looking forward to see how these people impact Auburn over the next year. What do y’all think?


Credit: All campaign photos are the property of the respective candidates.
Auburn SGA photo copyright Auburn University.