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Kenan Thompson is “All That”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.
Picture it… Your childhood living room, circa 1998… It was the best of times, it was the seriously the best of times—it was your childhood in the 1990s…

I may not be Sophia from “The Golden Girls,” but I definitely don’t mind reminiscing about the glory days of my childhood. Television was dominated by the best Friday and Saturday night line-up known to man and life revolved around watching “Spice World” on a worn-out VHS tape every night before bed, Lisa Frank folders, and raging against the machine (see: my kindergarten teacher) when it came time to take that dreaded afternoon nap. Childhood may have been a simpler time, but it definitely did not stop any of us from pondering the deeper complexities of life. Who put the screw in the tuna? Who? It is a question that has plagued me for years. One man knows the answer, though. That man is Kenan Thompson.

The former ‘90s idol has risen from the ranks of “All That” to become a main player on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” and, on January 29th, he will performing in the Auburn Arena at 7 p.m. for a special performance presented by Auburn’s University Program Council. He may not be teaching us “Every Day French” from a bathtub or showing us how to work the grills at Good Burger, but we are definitely in for an interesting night from the comedian. 

Kenan Thompson will perform in the Auburn Arena Tuesday, January 29th at 7 p.m. Tickets are free and open to all students with a valid Auburn ID. For more information, you can contact Auburn UPC by checking their website at www.auburn.edu/upc or by phone at 334-844-4788.

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