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Kathryn Johnson- Head of Eagle Eye TV, and how you can get involved with Auburn’s TV Station!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Kathryn Johnson is a 21-year-old Radio, Television, and Film major from Eufaula, Ala. She is our campus celebrity because Kathryn is the station manager of Eagle Eye TV, a student television news station located right on Auburn’s campus.  Not only does Kathryn run the organization, she also directs the shows and teaches other students how to work professional equipment giving them insight into what it’s like to work at a real television station.  Kathryn is very creative and talented, and we know that she is going to have a very bright career ahead of her!

HCAuburn: How did you get involved in Eagle Eye?
Kathryn:  I got involved with Eagle Eye when I was a sophomore, and I started coming to the meetings because I knew I needed to get some experience doing TV stuff.  So I came to an Eagle Eye meeting, and after a couple of meetings I did my first story. Of course I didn’t know what I was doing the first time, but after doing it for a while I caught on and got involved. I made staff the next year, and now I am Station Manager!
HCAuburn: As station manager, what kinds of things do you do around the studio?
Kathryn:  Well, I plan our meetings, I send out newsletters and emails to all of the members, I meet with staff every week to talk about things coming up for Eagle Eye, and then we do a weekly show that includes news, sports, and entertainment.  So far this year I have been directing the show, and hopefully I will start training Eagle Eye members to take over those responsibilities when I graduate.  Another cool thing about Eagle Eye is all of the great opportunities we get through ESPN and other networks to let our members get involved with companies in the real world.
HCAuburn: What is your dream job?
Kathryn: My dream job would be as a freelance producer for either entertainment/reality type shows, and possibly even one day take what I have learned and start my own production company.
HCAuburn: What is the coolest thing you’ve had the opportunity to do in Eagle Eye?
Kathryn: The coolest thing would definitely be having Cam Newton on our show because that was just something that, even though I have gotten to work with ESPN, Travel Channel, CBS, Bloomberg, and various other networks, that was a really great moment because we were able to speak with him when the allegations against him first surfaced and he wasn’t allowed to talk to the press.
HCAuburn: Who is your celebrity crush?
Kathryn: I would have to say my celebrity crush would definitely be Jason Segel from How I Met Your Mother because of course he is good looking, but he also has a really great sense of humor.
HCAuburn: How can students get involved in Eagle Eye?
Kathryn: They can come to our meetings at 6:00PM every Monday night in the Student Center, or they can email me at kjohnson@eagleeyetv.com for more information!

Kathryn with Cam Newton and Tim Jackson!

Ellery is a senior at Auburn University double majoring in Radio, Television, and Film and Musical Theatre. She became involved with her campus in the Fall of 2011, and is a contributing writer and co-founder of the HC branch at her school. Ellery spends her time anchoring and producing stories for the Eagle Eye TV, as well as teaching acting classes for children at the local community theater. A member of the Delta Zeta sorority and the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honors Society, Ellery has enjoyed her time at the loveliest village on the plains, and hopes to pursue an editorial career. Originally from Florida, Ellery loves cooking, fashion, traveling, arts and crafts, and has a flair for all things with southern charm. With a passion for reading and films, Ellery also enjoys the outdoors including hiking and most recently spear-fishing! Ellery is very excited to be apart of the HC team, and is looking forward to watching the Auburn branch grow.