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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

What’s your major? Biomedical Sciences

What year are you? I am a senior! And I’ll still be here for a while considering I only have 86 hours down, war damn poverty. 

What is your favorite thing about Auburn? The campus. It’s so open and the upkeep is incredible, it’s hard not to love.

What is your favorite thing about Auburn women? Their nearly overwhelming enthusiasm! It’s awesome.

What do you look for in a girl? I won’t say I look for specific things, rather I develop a liking for certain things about the girl. There have been different qualities I enjoy from women I’ve dated, like independence, kindness, and a sense of direction. Having a great, borderline disturbing sense of humor seems to be a quality relative to all, too.

Would you ever date a girl from a rival school? Ehhhh, maybe, I don’t see why not aside from the distance being annoying.

Describe your perfect date. One void of all awkwardness, where you can feel comfortable 

What was your favorite memory of freshman year? Oh dear, there’s a few. Though I did go to South Alabama my freshman year, not Auburn. So, I’d have to say Bayfest was the best. 

Boxers or Briefs? I don’t discriminate, whenever I’m doing some kind of strenuous physical activity, I go briefs. For all else I’m usually in boxers.

What is your biggest goal for this year? To become that much closer to graduating!

What was your favorite memory from the summer? Probably being homeless on my best friend’s couch for the majority of the summer. We had some good times. 

Who is your celebrity crush? Going to have to say Alison Brie

What is your favorite part about yourself? I’m going to say my metabolism, which allows me to blow all of my dining dollars on Chik-Fil-A and not really suffer from it how I should

What can a girl do to get your attention? Twerk… Just kidding, don’t do that!

Hey ya'll! I'm Danney, currently a sophomore at Auburn University and loving every second of it! I'm a Journalism major and I could write all day long! ~ Campus Cutie Writer :)