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How to Keep Up With Your Semester Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

At the beginning of every semester, we all set new ground rules and goals to keep ourselves in line. But let’s be honest, vowing to never attend Wednesday drink specials is a bit drastic. Having to miss out on $3 cocktails once a month to put in a few extra hours on your 10 page research paper seems more realistic than pulling an all nighter on Thursday. Having a fabulous social life and keeping up with your grades is not all that challenging if you set a few reasonable guidelines and manage your time.


  • Use your spare time!! Those awkward 50 minute time slots between classes can actually be used efficiently, and not by gossiping on the Starbucks couches. Find a comfy spot in the student center and read over the notes for your next class, answer a few sample questions for your test later that week, or edit a paper one last time. Taking advantage of those opportunities can limit the mindless work that weighs you down and keeps you clutter free.


  • Two words: Study Rooms. Checking out a room at the library with a few friends makes studying for hours on end not so bad. Vowing to actually do work and not chat the whole time is a struggle but can be done with enough willpower. And being in a secluded area keeps those distracting run ins with friends at a minimum.


  • Planners are an actual lifesaver. Write everything down. Even if you think you will remember, jot it down before heading out the door. Taking the 10 extra seconds to write down the pages for homework will be well worth the time when you are prepared next class and aren’t trying to play catch up. In addition to organizing your homework, planners can be efficient in keeping track of your free time, club meetings and social events, letting you know when you have a few extra hours to study.  

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