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In His Eyes: What Guys Think About Dating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Big news, ladies. I’ve been doing some serious detective work and I have done what very few girls have done before. I got into the minds of guys to see what they think about the things we do. From what clothes they like to see, to making the first move, to getting him to settle down–it’s all here! So buckle up, because you’re about to get the other side of the story.

We all know that first impressions are invaluable, especially in the dating world, and part of what makes a good first impression is looking good. Norts and a frocket are the go-to for most Auburn girls, but it turns out guys aren’t as big of fans as we are. Trey Manning, a junior, said, “I hate long shirts with Nike shorts. I like it when a girl looks like she spent more time getting ready than I did.”  Don’t worry, ladies. You don’t have to bust out your ball gowns just for class, but the just-rolled-out-of-bed look isn’t doing you any favors. “You don’t have to be dressed up, just not too casual.” says junior Stephen Reynolds. Now that the weather is cooler, it’s the perfect time to show off all of the cute sweaters you have in your closet. Still super comfy and casual, but no one will have to wonder whether or not you just left the rec center. 

First impressions, check! Now it’s time to take the next step.

The college dating scene can be tricky to navigate, especially when that scene usually takes place at a bar. As if you weren’t already confused enough about how to start a conversation the cutie you’ve been making flirty across-the-bar eye contact with all night, and the cheap drinks you downed at specials are not doing you any favors. But no worries, ladies. I’m here to take away all your confusion. First things first. Is it okay to go up to him at the bar or should you hang back and wait for him to make the first move? Sophomore Jamie Gnan says “It depends on the girl.” If you’re a wallflower by nature it might be best to hang back and let him do the leg work, but if you’re confident enough, go ahead and buy him a drink for a change. Trey is all for girls coming up to him; “If gender equality is so important, why do I always have to make the first move?!” So go ahead and strike up a conversation with him. We’ve read it in Cosmo a thousand times, confidence is key, and Jamie, Stephen and Bo definitely agree; junior Bo Buchanan thinks, “The main thing is for the girl to have confidence and take the initiative.” While it might be terrifying to make the first move, it seems like the rewards far outweigh the risks.


Okay, so you’ve got his number and you’re talking semi-regularly on the weekends after midnight. Now, how do you go from slam piece to take-home-to-meet-the-fam piece? For Stephen, it’s all about the personality, “ Her personality is key. If it’s someone you like being around, then why wouldn’t you want to pursue that and just be around them more?” Trey thinks it’s important for a girl to want to be with him, but also for her to do her own thing– “When you really know she is happy being with you, but would be fine being without you, too; that’s when she’s dating material.”  

But be careful, there’s a fine line between talking to your boy and getting a first class ticket on the crazy train. We all know that term “crazy” is thrown around a lot when it comes to girls, but what does it really take for a girl to go from normal and interested to T-Swift-after-a-breakup crazy? The simple answer? Double texting, “A girl constantly talking to you is good but when you ignore her and the triple texts happen, she is a clinger.” says Bo. That seems to be the general consensus on how to go from zero to crazy in three texts flat. So think twice, text once, ladies.

So there you have it, from catching his eye in class to making it FBO, you’re now armed with all the information you need to go out into the world and find yourself a man, or at least a date for Christmas cocktail. So good luck ladies, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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Brooke Willeford is sophomore at Auburn University, majoring in apparel design (maybe). When she's not writing for Her Campus, she is involved in SGA Elections Council, Apparel Merchandising and Design Association, and a proud member of Kappa Alpha Theta. When she's not doing any of that, she's spending her time eating, watching Netflixs and spending hours on Pinterest.