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Handling Those Post-Iron Bowl Feelings

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

If you’re like me, then all you have been able to think about since Saturday is the football game: winning, rushing the field, crying, rolling Toomer’s corner, crying, drinking, “we won!”, “What, how did that even happen?!”, more crying, etc. As Auburn students we have witnessed one of the most amazing seasons in Auburn history. After last year, who would have thought we would have an 11-1 record? So here’s a list of some things to keep you busy and help you deal with all of the feelings from the most epic night of our lives. 

1. Rewatch that glorious final second 10000 times. In case you haven’t already done this, here’s a link to the most amazing finish in Iron Bowl history: 

2.  Send a ‘War Eagle’ text to everyone who said you were crazy for believing in Auburn. One of the may perks of winning the Iron Bowl is year long bragging rights. After the turn-around season Auburn has had, I think we deserve to gloat a little. So let those Bammers know how right you were when you said we could do it! 

3. Read every inspirational article about Auburn and cry. Everytime I read one of those articles about the strength of the Auburn family, I cry like a baby. We’re so blessed to be apart of one of the best institutions in the country, don’t ever forget that! 

4. Enjoy this feeling. Then get ready, because we only have a week to emotionally prepare for another rollercoaster in Atlanta for the SEC Championship!! War Eagle! 


Freshman at Auburn!