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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


Halloween is less than a week away, and while everyone is busy coming up with costume ideas, fun drink recipes to serve at the parties they’re hosting, and wondering which guy to ask to their sorority’s date party, I can’t help but wonder why anyone really cares. Don’t get me wrong, Halloween was my favorite when I was young–great movie, free candy, and of course the princess costumes. But as I grow older the less pumped I become about this “scary” holiday and the more I begin to see it as a stepping stone to the real celebrations of Thanksgiving and Christmas. So for those of y’all that view Halloween as I do, here are some ways to make the holiday a little less lackluster and a little more fun!

Have Your Halloween Party—But With a Twist!

Instead of piecing together the sl*ttiest costume you can find, invite your friends over for a party in homage of the Halloween days past. Dress up in your favorite costumes from your childhood, bust out the caramel apples, and pop in a movie that takes you back. Instead of serving alcohol-based beverages, whip up some apple cider and enjoy a night in as you regress back to the good old days. After all, we only have so many years left of being a kid!

The Nightmare Before Christmas

We can all admit, Tim Burton is a pretty strange guy. But his classic nineties film The Nightmare Before Christmas is pure genius, combining the most wonderful time of the year with the gateway holiday of Halloween. In honor of the holiday season kick-off, host your own themed party! Whether it’s a Tacky Christmas party or just a group of friends hanging out in Winter-themed pajamas, decorate your apartment with lights, make some hot chocolate (add peppermint Schnapps if it’s one of those parties!), burn a Christmas-scented candle, and watch the movie with your friends. It’s a way to celebrate Halloween while getting pumped for the end of the semester and the winter holidays.

Or If You Do Venture Out With Your Friends…

Turn the night into one big drinking game! The rules are simple: every time you see a girl in a seriously inappropriate outfit, take a shot. Every time you see a couple in matching costumes, take a shot.  This game can get pretty expensive, but if you invite a few single guys to play with you chances are you won’t end up spending much. Just make sure you don’t drink past your limit, and always have a DD lined up or cash for a cab!

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