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Fourteen Songs that are Perfect for your Road Trip Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Finals are approaching which also means that another break is, as well. Yes, finally Christmas break! You know, that “thing” that has been all over the Auburn Snapchat story since Halloween… (I mean seriously that was a tad bit early). Everyone is going to head somewhere for the break whether you have a long road trip home or you plan to travel somewhere different, you are going to need a good playlist. Well don’t worry about spending hours looking for new jams when you should be studying for finals. I already have you covered. Here are some of my favorite more up beat tunes that are bound to take your road trip playlist to the next level and relieve all of that post finals week stress.


1. Monument by Mutemath

The chances that you have heard of Mutemath might be slim, but this song’s catchy ooo-ooo-ooos and hypnotic drum beat guarantee a good start to any trip you might be planning this Christmas break.

2. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

Yes, this may be a little overplayed, but it is a classic. I’m having flashbacks from The Hills on MTV already. If this throwback doesn’t bring a smile to your face everytime, you’re not living right. It is actually impossible not to sing along to this song. 

3. Arizona by Kings of Leon

Driving down an open road with the windows down and sun setting, in Arizona of course. That is what I picture when I hear this song. It doesn’t matter if it is nearly Christmas, this song is perfect for any season, city, or mode of transportation.

4. Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron

Wanderlust. First word that comes to mind when I hear this song. Be careful listening to this song while driving, you might “accidentally” miss your exit or take a detour to hear it again.

5. Tongue Tied by Grouplove

Break out the embarrassing dance moves. I’m sure you have heard it before, but that doesn’t matter. This song is an inevitable foot tapper, every time. Just make sure you watch what foot you’re tappin’ if you’re driving.

6. Fader by The Temper Trap

3 minutes and 4 seconds of pure bliss. Which I’m sure will be much needed after these next couple of weeks of cramming and coffee. If you haven’t heard of this band, look them up. You’re missing out.

7. Sun Models by ODESZA ft. Madelyn Grant

Odesza doesn’t disappoint with this one. This is the perfect track to add to your playlist to give that extra something. It has a unique and refreshing sound that makes it stand out amongst your same old tunes.

8. Peaches by In the Valley Below

This guy-girl duo has me hooked. Their harmonies are a perfect balance of soft and synthetic, which makes this song perfect for the start of the last long stretch home.

9. Guns Out by Young the Giant

Love at first listen. I am a huge Young the Giant fan. Honestly, YTG could be the only band I listened to for the rest of my life and I would probably be okay. This song has road trip written all over it.

10. Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay

Coldplay is back. I have seriously waited for this moment for what seems like forever. Their new album is out December 4, and so far, telling by this single, it should be a good one. This is such a fun and catchy song, and Coldplay is always a necessity for any playlist.

11. Roses by The Chainsmokers

This is probably one of my favorite songs out right now. I’m definitely keeping my eyes, well I guess technically my ears on this group. It’s actually impossible to not like this song. After you hear the beat drop, you’ll be hooked.

12. Dani California by The Red Hot Chili Peppers 

Making this list was incredibly challenging for me. But this song was a no-brainer. First of all because it names off like 5 states within the first few verses. Which makes travelling to any of the previously mentioned states 10x more fun. With that being said, regardless of what state, country or continent you may travel to over break, this song should be on your playlist.

13. 400 Lux by Lorde

Lorde killed it with her album Pure Heroine. It’s a couple of years old, but that means nothing in music years. 400 Lux is one of my favorites. This song always seems to make it onto all of my playlists.

14. Home by Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeroes

Last but definitely not least, Home. You knew it was coming. It really doesn’t matter if you’re not actually headed home for break, this song will always make the cut in my book. You’ll undoubtedly be humming this chorus all of Christmas break.