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The Do’s and Don’t’s of Meeting His Parents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

So you’ve finally gotten serious with your significant other and they tell you that it’s time to meet their parents. This is a huge step in your relationship and the pressure is definitely on, but it doesn’t have to be a disaster! In fact, you’re allowed to actually enjoy it! Your lovely boyfriend was raised by them, so chances are they aren’t that bad anyways. Even so, there are definitely some do’s and don’t’s to making sure that you come across as someone they want their “little boy” to be with.

Do: Make a First Impression

First impressions can be tough, so make sure that you make the right one! Dress like you care to show them how important meeting them is to you. Even if the occasion is a casual one, your yoga pants are probably not a good idea. Try not to overdress or wear anything too revealing. Always remember that your boyfriend knows his parents a lot better than you do so don’t forget that you can ask him what they are expecting. After all, he wants them to like you too!

Don’t: Overdo PDA

Sure, holding hands is completely appropriate, but wait until later for the full on make out session. No matter how hot your boyfriend is, his parents don’t need to see you getting it on at the dinner table. Don’t go in for a kiss unless he starts it-you don’t know his parents’s comfort level, and you don’t want to make any faux pas. Now’s not the time to live your Breakfast at Tiffany’s fantasies.


Do: Bring a Host Gift

You can never be too polite, and a nice way to say thank you is to bring his parents a small gift. It doesn’t need to be too fancy or expensive (You don’t want to seem like you’re sucking up) but a small flower arrangement, a soothing candle, or, if you’re old enough and know they drink, a nice bottle of wine should go over nicely.

Don’t: Give Insincere Compliments

Compliments go very far so make plenty (but don’t over do it!). You do need to make sure that you mean what you say. If you compliment everything you will appear to be trying too hard to please. Also, if you compliment something you don’t really like, it could come back to bite you. If you complimented his mom’s little porcelain dolls that you actually hate, don’t be surprised if you get one for the next three Christmases!  

Do: Make Conversation

You have more to talk about than the weather. The more you get them to talk, the better! The best thing you can do is have conversations that make you memorable. If you have nothing else to talk about you can always start by complimenting them on the fine young man they have raised and possibly tell them a nice (appropriate) story about the two of you. As a general rule, it is best to stay away from conversations about money, religion, politics, or money until you know them better.



Don’t: Get Distracted

If you spend the entire evening thinking about how well you want the night to go, or you are too nervous to function, it will definitely show. Try to relax and be yourself. Your boyfriend is there for you and it’s okay to tell him if you are nervous. If he knows how you feel, he can try and make things go a little smoother for you.

Do: Leave on a High Note

Be thankful for the lovely opportunity to meet them (even if it was less than lovely) and make sure that you’re specific. Tell his dad that you loved getting to hear the stories about his college days and tell his mom that you would love to meet up again to learn how she gets her scrapbooks so perfect. Chances are you’ll be seeing them again, and you don’t want it to be awkward. 


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Sarah is currently a junior at Auburn University majoring in Graphic Design. She is in love with container gardening, music festivals, sunshine, and record stores. Some of her talents include getting hooked on tv shows with too many episodes and practicing amazing self control when it comes to online shopping. Her future aspirations include moving back to her hometown of Atlanta after graduating to pursue a career as a designer. Find her on instagram @saranspluey