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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


Over spring break my roommate came home with a TERRIBLE sunburn. I am sure this probably happened to a lot of you girls too. I found a way for her to get relief and for it to fade quicker! With warm weather approaching this DIY recipe is sure to be useful. The secret is Earl Grey tea!


All you need is:


·      3 Earl Grey tea bags

·      A big pitcher

·      Hot water


To do this you fill the pitcher up with scalding hot water and set in 3 tea bags. Let them steep for a while (it goes by quicker if you stir occasionally). After the tea is completely dark – almost black – and the water has cooled down to where you can touch it without burning yourself, apply the tea to your skin. Just pat it down on your sunburn generously and do not wash it off. It should feel really soothing and your burn should go down a little by the next day!