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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


The cooler season is upon us. Whether it be for formal, Auburn’s fabulous rodeo, or a spring break trip planned with the girls, coolers are an essential must have for any spring plans!


Things you will need:

–       Cooler

–       Paint Pens (use the Elmer’s brand)

–       Acrylic paint

–       Sandpaper (if necessary)

–       Outdoor Mod Podge sealer

–       Paintbrushes

The Steps:

1.     Buy a super smooth cooler without any sharp curves! Trust me you will thank me later! It saves you a lot of elbow grease!

2.     If your cooler is rough, have no fear! Use your sandpaper to smooth down all of the rough sides.

3.     Start painting all of your designs! It is a lot of help to print out your designs to have beside you while you work.

4.     Use your paint pens for small details. IMPORTANT: only use name brand paint pens! All of the others run and/or smear.

5.     Wait 24 hours after you have finished painting to put on your sealer. You will need MULTIPLE coats of sealer to make sure it holds up well so do not plan to finish your cooler the day of the event.

6.     Be VERY careful! They chip very, very easily!


Here are some pictures of the ones I have done! They each took about 2-3 months and are completely freehanded! Happy crafting!