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The Disney Diaries: Farwell, Disney

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


They say that ‘all good things must come to an end’. Sadly, the same is true for my time as a Disney Cast Member, at least for now. Due to an unforeseeable string of family events in this month before we all head back to the Plains, my time in merchandise at Downtown Disney is officially completed for the summer.

When I arrived in Orlando some time ago, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I was unsure of what it would be like to work for one of my favorite vacation spots, the place where so many of childhood memories were created. But as I began to create the magic of Disney through my work, I learned more about Walt Disney and his legacy. Most importantly, I learned tips for survival post-Auburn and many more things about myself along the way. Before working for Disney I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do with my life career-wise. But now I know with complete certainty that an office-type, mainstream professional career is not for me. I’ve realized that I must  be in a creative work environment to thrive, and  I would never be able to thank Walt enough for that. He created an entire empire just from one dream, one many would’ve discarded quickly. He is a true inspiration, especially for a collegiette™ like me, one with exceedingly high hopes for the future.


All in all, despite the stressful guest situations, coworker drama, and sometimes exhausting days of work, being employed at Disney is an experience I won’t soon forget. I met some incredible people, created many new Disney memories, and finally drew a professional vision for myself just as Walt did. After all, he reminds me daily to “never lose sight of one thing—that it  was all started by a mouse”. 

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