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The Crafty Girl-on-a-Budget’s Guide to Wall Art!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


There is nothing more difficult than resisting the urge to spend hours on Pinterest planning your dream wedding, absolutely fabulous dream closet, and huge dream kitchen filled with tons of dreamy goodies like a hidden trapdoor with a spiral staircase that leads into a game room or something just as dream-worthy… but those things are all just that—dreams. Then again, who is to say that these dreams can’t become a reality? Pinterest is, after all, the best place to get some much-needed craft-spiration for decorations or a complete change in style whether it is for your apartment or your wardrobe. Today, we’re going to focus on apartment life and how to completely transform your drab apartment into a fun and stylish home away from home with a little wall art!

Totally pinteresting, right?


While you can find something similar to this in downtown Auburn for a hefty price, a few minutes browsing Pinterest can show you how to turn a $50 piece of wall art into a $20 project.

Things You’ll Need:
1 Blank canvas any size of your choosing (11×14 for $10.99 at Hobby Lobby)
Acyrlic paint (Varies from $0.50-2.50 at Hobby Lobby)
A few paintbrushes (Sets start at $1.99 at Hobby Lobby, WalMart, Michael’s, etc.)
A Google Image outline of Alabama or any state (Free! However, blowing it up may cost money.)
Pen or pencil

1. Trace the outline of your state (you may need to blow up your image using a projector or multiple sheets depending on size)
2. Place your traced outline on the bank of the canvas and then, using backlight, trace the outline of the state onto the canvas using a pencil
3. Using your selected color, use even brushstrokes to paint your canvas. Let that coat dry and then give it a second coat. Remember to not paint over your state outline!
4. Fill in state using another selected color and let it dry.
5. Get creative! Freehand a heart, practice your calligraphy by writing an Auburn-themed message or quote you like, or make a little heart where your hometown is.

Adding everything together, this project should come out to cost anywhere from $10-20 depending on what you have on hand!

Why don’t you give it a try and tell me your results? I would love to see them!