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Campus Cutie: Matthew Bennett

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Major:  Finance & Marketing

Age: 21

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Celebrity Crush: Gwyneth Paltrow

What three words would you use to describe yourself?  Opportunist, Analytical, Ambitious  

Favorite Movie? Secret Life of Walter Mitty

What are you involved in on campus? Student Alumni Association, Student Alumni Board, Intramural Sports, & Impact

How would you describe the Auburn women of today? 10’s!

What is you idea of a perfect date? Chef Matthew whips up the dish of the night  

Favorite Female Fashion Trend? Colored pants and wedges

What’s the best thing a girl can do to get your attention? Wear enough jewelry to make my eyesight blurrrrrrrrry

What is one thing you wish girls would stop doing? Being so needy and complaining about themselves

Any cool spring break plans? Destin, Florida. You can catch me there!

Do you have any hidden talents? I can play piano

What’s your favorite thing about Auburn? Auburn Fall Saturday atmosphere