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Campus Cutie: John Bradford

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Major: Accounting

Age: 20

Relationship Status: Single

Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis. Also 80’s Tom Cruise…Top Gun was awesome.

What words would you use to describe yourself? Adventurous, Loyal, Hard-Working, American, Mathematically Challenged.

How would you describe the Auburn women of today? Smart, classy, and not great at knowing what size t-shirt actually fits them.

What is you idea of a perfect date? Start out with a day full of tailgating followed by watching Auburn beat Alabama in the Iron Bowl and finishing with our own private concert by my favorite band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers all while Will Ferrell tells us jokes. You did say “perfect” right?

Favorite Female Fashion Trend? Yoga Pants.

What’s the best thing a girl can do to get your attention? Twerk like Miley Cyrus, just please don’t defile any teddy bears.

What is your pet peeve? When people have loud phone conversations on the Tiger Transit. Looking at you riders of the West Campus route…

What is one thing you wish girls would stop doing? Transformation Tuesday. We get it, you’ve gotten a lot less awkward since middle school, so has everyone else.


 Boxers or Briefs? Boxers

Do you have any hidden talents? I play guitar and sing. Some people have called me the songbird of our generation, and by some people I mean I’ve called myself that.

What’s your favorite thing about Auburn?  There’s so many great things about Auburn, it’s impossible to narrow it just down to just one. I guess my favorite few things would probably be football, football, rodeo, football, and footballDid I mention football?