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Campus Cutie: Dylan Wilton

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


Age: I’ll be 20 on October 30th

Major? Nutrition Science on the Pre-Pharmacy track

Year? Sophomore

Relationship Status: Single

What is your favorite thing about Auburn? The beautiful sunset on a summer evening.

What is your favorite thing about Auburn women? The friendly faces and outgoing personalities

What do you look for in a girl? Spunk, creativity, and self-confidence.

Would you ever date a girl from a rival school? Of course, then we’d having something to argue about.

Describe your perfect date My ideal date would be a day spent swimming at the lake, soaking in the sun, and finishing it off with some steaks and homemade sweet potato casserole.

What was your favorite memory from freshman year? Definitely the pledge retreat to Logan Martin Lake.

Boxers or Briefs? Have to say boxer briefs.

What is your biggest goal for this year? Let’s get that 4.0

What was your favorite memory from the summer? Seeing my baby brother walk for the first time.

Who is your celebrity crush? Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, and Olivia Wilde

What is your favorite thing about yourself? My insane good looks and personality, personality is important too.

What can a girl do to get your attention? Start a conversation with me and laugh a little, don’t be too serious.

Hey ya'll! I'm Danney, currently a sophomore at Auburn University and loving every second of it! I'm a Journalism major and I could write all day long! ~ Campus Cutie Writer :)