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All Things Summer, All for Your Taste buds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.


With six more days of school work left, my mind has been wandering around and lounging in a swimming pool. I have so many plans for the summer. I want to experiment with recipes, see all my friends from home, and just waste time. To give you an idea, this is my (kind of) bucket list for summer 2013. All things for my taste buds, of course! And if you are unsure of the best foods for your best finals, check out the HC guide to eating right during cram sessions. 

Veg out

With everyone on a health kick, move the meat over and let veggies be the star. Veggies are easy to grill and the depth of flavor may surprise you. Cabbage, kale, and brussel sprouts are the trendiest veggies to try or stick to old school favorites like corn and asparagus. Give the brussel sprouts another try by searing them, and drizzling them with balsamic dressing parmesan cheese. See the rest of the recipe on Average Betty’s page.

Grownups like popsicles too

Relax with the latest and greatest cool treats. Popsicles are getting more creative than the cupcake! Everything from boozifying them, to making them the health nut’s next cleanser can be simply delicious. Try these Fire Cracker pops from Martha Stewart -made with blueberries, strawberries, and yogurt.

Sassy is the new classy

Not exactly, stick with classics like fresh peach pie or key lime pie. But add some interest every now and then by trying desserts like upside down orange mango cake

Sweet heat

Salsa is perfect for the summer. It is so refreshing and works as a snack or even poured over grilled salmon. Make it with fresh fruits and vegetables to pack it with bold flavors and textures. Savory strawberry salsa should be on your list of new favorites.

Go Gree–Icelandic?

Greek yogurt is all over the place now, but the new yogurt is Icelandic. It is made with non-fat milk, and is rich and velvety. It has 14 grams of protein for a 5.3 ounce container. Or even try to make homemade yogurt. It takes no special equipment, plus it tastes creamier and less tangy than store bought.

Tea is the new coffee

According to Bon Appetit Magazine, there is tons of tea available, even for regular folks like you and me. There are varieties of black tea filled with honey and chocolate. Plus, black tea is packed with the most caffeine! If you aren’t in the mood for something dark, try white tea or stick to summer favorites like raspberry.

Venture local venders

With the green movement becoming more powerful, farmers’ markets are popping up in every town. Stop by to get the best tasting produce, and support your local economy. Or, on your next road trip, stop at a roadside stand. Along with their fresh food, lots of them show off neat random nicknacks.










Lindy Olive is known for being a foodie health-nut hybrid, who thinks the best things in life happen in the kitchen. She is a senior at Auburn University, majoring in Nutrition & Wellness and minoring in Sustainability. She wrote for Her Campus Auburn for three years before taking on a role as Campus Corespondent. If you ever need her, you can find her in front of a computer, in a garden, or at the gym. Lindy likes to dream big, and right now, that dream consists of owning a garden-bakery while writing agriculture public policy or working for a test kitchen. When she isn't thinking about food, which is apparently rare, she is hiking with her boyfriend and dog, on a feminist rant, or having deep conversations with her best friends Bailey and Melissa.